Seitan: how to get "gold" out of bread?
Sixty eight million thirty seven thousand seven hundred sixty three
Seitan — vegetarian dish, and the consistency and taste like meat. Of course, you can buy ready-made seitan at the store, but it's much more interesting to make it myself! Moreover, it is quite accessible. It seems incredible, but seitan is really just a well-washed flour! Ordinary wheat flour, which is sold everywhere. The secret to "getting" seitan from flour is that flour is washed with water until until it is left alone gluten is actually a protein. Depending on the cultivar, gluten content (protein) in the flour may be different. You have to experiment.
Flour is necessary to take second-class citizens, it is more "satanista" and therefore for our purposes a better choice.
Just for making seitan should take about a kilogram of flour and rinse under running water. Fear not, this "prospecting" method works — tested — all the dough does not "run"! Will remain just what you need.
From a scientific point of view, we test washed out of the starch, and what remains is protein. An indication that the process is finished and we got the "bread of gold" — water clarity (it makes the murky starch). You will remain in the pan kind of stuff, more like a creature from another planet, is seitan!
Typically, the resulting mass is about 40% of the initial amount of flour, but this percentage depends on the variety.
Spongy substance we must overcome (you can use cheesecloth or just a clean soft cloth) and dry it for 10-15 minutes. Now it can be cut into pieces and attention! — cook in the "soup" of spices. In fact, the seitan has almost no taste, the taste it gives is "broth" in which you cook. Depending on the spices that make up the broth, you can add the seitan mushroom "sausage" or different taste.
Typically, this use of the finished soy sauce and various spices. For example, you can experiment with coriander, cumin, black pepper, cumin, Kardamena, Bay leaves in different proportions. Boil the seitan for about 30 minutes, and store it in the refrigerator (up to 2 weeks), and it is right in the "broth" to Mor and was gaining flavor.
The resulting seitan can be added when cooking other dishes (pilaf, subject, etc.), or to grill and serve separately (you can sprinkle with herbs).
A big plus of seitan is that it can be prepared generally in any place: at home, at the cottage, on vacation abroad or even in Spartan conditions in the wild heavenly beach! Wherever there is cold water, flour and a stove or open fire to cook or fry. The extraction of gold from flour — a real adventure for vegetarians! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vegjournal.ru/pitanie/poleznye-produkty/1157-seytan-kak-dobyt-zoloto-iz-khleba.html
Seitan — vegetarian dish, and the consistency and taste like meat. Of course, you can buy ready-made seitan at the store, but it's much more interesting to make it myself! Moreover, it is quite accessible. It seems incredible, but seitan is really just a well-washed flour! Ordinary wheat flour, which is sold everywhere. The secret to "getting" seitan from flour is that flour is washed with water until until it is left alone gluten is actually a protein. Depending on the cultivar, gluten content (protein) in the flour may be different. You have to experiment.
Flour is necessary to take second-class citizens, it is more "satanista" and therefore for our purposes a better choice.
Just for making seitan should take about a kilogram of flour and rinse under running water. Fear not, this "prospecting" method works — tested — all the dough does not "run"! Will remain just what you need.
From a scientific point of view, we test washed out of the starch, and what remains is protein. An indication that the process is finished and we got the "bread of gold" — water clarity (it makes the murky starch). You will remain in the pan kind of stuff, more like a creature from another planet, is seitan!
Typically, the resulting mass is about 40% of the initial amount of flour, but this percentage depends on the variety.
Spongy substance we must overcome (you can use cheesecloth or just a clean soft cloth) and dry it for 10-15 minutes. Now it can be cut into pieces and attention! — cook in the "soup" of spices. In fact, the seitan has almost no taste, the taste it gives is "broth" in which you cook. Depending on the spices that make up the broth, you can add the seitan mushroom "sausage" or different taste.
Typically, this use of the finished soy sauce and various spices. For example, you can experiment with coriander, cumin, black pepper, cumin, Kardamena, Bay leaves in different proportions. Boil the seitan for about 30 minutes, and store it in the refrigerator (up to 2 weeks), and it is right in the "broth" to Mor and was gaining flavor.
The resulting seitan can be added when cooking other dishes (pilaf, subject, etc.), or to grill and serve separately (you can sprinkle with herbs).
A big plus of seitan is that it can be prepared generally in any place: at home, at the cottage, on vacation abroad or even in Spartan conditions in the wild heavenly beach! Wherever there is cold water, flour and a stove or open fire to cook or fry. The extraction of gold from flour — a real adventure for vegetarians! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vegjournal.ru/pitanie/poleznye-produkty/1157-seytan-kak-dobyt-zoloto-iz-khleba.html