How to make washing powder at home

We are always looking for new opportunities to recreate the recipes used by our grandmother, who worked no worse and maybe better than what we have today. In this article we will explain how to make your own natural powder for the washing machine, and even share some secrets about how to make air-conditioner with various flavors for your taste and a powerful stain remover.
Benefits of natural detergent We want to point out some advantages of making your own washing powder. He:
- Economical: washing powders sometimes are not cheap; for our own prescription, by contrast, are used quite economical ingredients.
- Simple: does not require any special knowledge so as to make our powder very easy, and the ingredients for him — always at hand.
- Environmentally friendly: it is important not to abuse those foods that are harmful to the environment and use them only when absolutely necessary.
- Not allergenic: this powder does not contain aggressive substances, which is a huge advantage, especially for people with sensitive skin and for children.
Another ingredient that will become the basis for our washing powder, — the usual soap, the very thing that has long been used for hand washing clothes. This may be a soap of natural fats or coconut, glycerin, or soap.
What do we need?
- One or two of soap
- 2 cups borax
- 2 cups of baking soda
- At our discretion: essential oil of lemon or lavender
- Water
- Bucket
- A medium-sized pot
- Wooden spoon
Put to boil 1 liter of water and put 2 cups of soap. Cook the contents on low fire, stirring it with a wooden spoon.
In another container we put borax and baking soda. We'll put a soap-water solution and give everything a good mix until a homogeneous consistency.
Then get another 7.5 liters of water and will again disturb.
The time has come (unless of course we wish) to complement our powder with some essential oil, which gives it a pleasant aroma. We will need 15 ml. will Add again all peremeshaem.
Cover the bucket.
Received we can store bottles of water or empty boxes from washing powder, to the security of sticking labels indicating the contents. Before each use, these containers should be shaken.
And air-conditioner? The most natural, economical and effective way to replace the purchased air-conditioner is to use vinegar. It will also help to clean the clothes, make the fabric more soft, to get rid of the fluff and avoid static electricity.
Besides, vinegar is ideal for easing too hard water with high lime content. Finally, vinegar has another advantage: it helps to clean pipes and hoses of the washing machine from the remnants of dirt, soap, lime, rust. To give a special flavor we can also use some of their essential oils.
- Citrus (lemon, orange, tangerine): contribute to a more efficient cleaning, disappearance of residual fat and give the clothes a pleasant fragrance.
- Lavender: essential oil, surpassing many cleaners due to its disinfecting properties. It also serves as a relaxant and soothes.
- Tea tree: is ideal for removing mildew.
- Eucalyptus: this oil has a refreshing aroma and also helps in fighting bacteria.
How to withdraw stubborn stains? Before you wash dirty clothes, we can apply directly to the stain a little baking soda and vinegar and a good scrub.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/
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