7 levels of consciousness development

There are different levels of consciousness, in accordance with the different levels of perception of the world. Each level of consciousness is a certain level of ability to love and show love.
1.On the first level of perception of the world there are people for whom material purchases are the meaning of life. The lowest manifestation of this stage is when the person wants only to receive, not wanting to give anything in return. Unfortunately, modern media seeks to pull off and keep people at this level of anthropocentrism, when every person considers himself the center of the universe and seeks to exploit the resources of the planet all around for their own selfish pleasure. Now the efforts of all media aimed at people to see the meaning of his existence in the acquisition, and building relationships primarily on the basis of sexual intercourse.
2. Those who have risen above the selfish aspirations and find happiness in achieving the creative goals are obvious engines of progress. They make great discoveries, live for the sake of art, to build bridges across the channel, implementing the latest technology, and are striving to change the appearance life for the better. Such individuals can attract significant financial resources due to the fact that they did not regard money as a source of personal enjoyment, but as an opportunity to implement creative goals.
If the first level encompasses those whose meaning of life is collecting things, then in the second stage are creative people. Due to the fact that the money for them – not a goal but a means, they have a strong internal energy, which allows them to succeed in life and to live it more bright and saturated.
3. Creative people gradually come to understand that the path to happiness and prosperity lies not only through the external changes in society, and to a greater extent — through the development of human values such as mercy, kindness, justice, and simplicity, which are the basis for the beginning of the spiritual life. Those who sincerely strive to develop desirable qualities of character and always try to benefit others, find peace and joy in the pure and sublime relationship. The nobility of the soul is the essence of people at this level and above.
4. Spiritual development is accompanied by the natural disappearance of laziness and increased responsibility. People with lofty qualities of character always seeks to benefit others. He improves his talent, inner peace, and all his abilities in a spirit of service to society. At this level people understand the importance of duty. Sincerely and selflessly performing their duties, man attains the qualities that are the basis for a stable material prosperity and rapid spiritual progress.
Almost all of the Eastern culture was based on this solid Foundation of selfless service to the society. "Bushido" — the ancient culture of the samurai is a living embodiment of achieving inner and outer harmony through selfless fulfillment of duty. The word "samurai" means "servant." A true samurai is a perfect servant with impeccable knowledge of their feelings and devoid of even the shadow of covetousness.
Commitment to the Dharma – selfless performance of their duties was also the essence of the culture of ancient India and the Vedic worldview as a whole. Selfless service corresponds to the original nature of the soul and so carries with it a sense of peace and inner joy, which are the cause and consequence of further spiritual enlightenment. The higher the spiritual level of a person than he is disinterested, the less he is interested in wealth, but the more affordable it becomes.
5. People on this level, consider spiritual development as a main goal of his life, and act so that their every act into a blessing for others.
6. Spiritual exaltation through the sacrifice called this state of soul, when a person wishes others to have happiness more than himself, and rises to an even higher level of Holiness. At this level, the Love for all living beings compels a person to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of the spiritual upliftment of others. Almost all the founders of the true religions of the world have acted on the basis of the mindset inherent to this level.
7. Reaching the highest level of development, man loses a twofold perception of the world and gain qualifications to return to the spiritual world. Such a person sees only love, considering all others is much better. For such a person already, there is no enemies, sorrow, and evil, because every action naturally brings love and happiness to the world.
With the development of the consciousness one develops disinterestedness and laziness vanishes, and the performance of their duties gives him more and more pleasure. When a person focuses only on personal gain and their own pleasures, the process of working him no special joy brings, as it focuses only on the result – the money. But at higher levels of consciousness, the same activity becomes a reward in itself, and the work is perceived as a hobby.published
Author: Alexander Usanin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: uptothetop.biz/obraz-zhizni/7-urovnei-razvitija-soznanija.html
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