Planting and caring for Apium graveolens Dulce
Use herbs under the name of celery is very large, and all having gardens and summer house would do well to include it in the list grown. Care presents no special difficulties, the climate, the plant is suitable.
Planting and caring for Apium graveolens Dulce. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
The plant is biennial, herbs and roots are formed in the first year and the second year the celery starts to bloom and it grows fruit with seeds inside. Recommend to place rows of celery in full sun, a little shade of celery also feels good but in the sun it leaves more fragrant. The most suitable temperature for the celery about 20°C, it grows best in a temperate climate. Lightweight cold weather and even small freezing plant tolerates better than the heat.
Preferred soil fertile, loose, well-drained, absorbent and moisture-retaining, with neutral acidity. If the soil is acidic, before planting the celery make lime. It is impossible to plant celery near the parsnips, as they both suffer from celery flies, garden pest. Great attention should be paid to selection of varieties of celery, to highlight how good and easy in cultivation can sorta "malachite", "White feather", "Golden". When buying seeds you need to pay attention to the expiration date, because the germination rate in old seeds is zero. It is convenient to buy and plant different varieties with different ripening terms, to the whole season to cut the stalks and greens.
The seeds are washed and soaked in water for three days, then planted the seedlings. Celery can be planted in the open ground, but the seeds a very long time to germinate and begin to grow so much faster and more productive plant in the garden already fragile seedlings. The seeds in seedling boxes are planted in March using as substrate a mixture of leaf soil, humus and peat. Small seeds are distributed on the surface of the soil evenly and prosypayutsya the top layer of soil or peat. Pour through a fine sieve or nozzle heads. Fresh seeds, soak, sprout for 5-6-th day.
When the first true leaves, celery planted in separate cups, swooping for the transplant. Need for the transplant to try not to fill the earth point of growth. Polerowanie planted and the seedlings put on a Sunny windowsill. In the garden the celery is planted in April-may, once the threat of frost passes. When planting rights scheme 20x30, for hardening for several days the seedlings spend the night on the balcony. Ridges in the country often serves since the fall, digging a wide furrow and filling them with manure and compost, and top soil falling asleep. When planting rosette with leaves should always be above the ground, the soil around compacted plants. As the stems grow, furrows spiked soil, plant Spud. It is necessary to whiten the stalks.
As soon as the petioles up to 30 cm, they are collected into a bundle and tie, trying not to damage the stems. The base is wrapped in dark paper, it will help them to acquire a white color and taste succulent. To the petioles was more sweet, the base of the plant overlaid with straw. To cut petiolate trench varieties of celery in the late fall.
Celery is often affected by bacterial leaf spot, pith rot, blackleg, rotting the base of the stem and white rot of stems and leaf mosaic virus. Therefore, when growing celery, you need to devote a lot of time pest control, they are major disease vectors. Causes rot can become abundant watering and stagnation of water, and also shared remoisture soil on the site.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: domashniy.ru/

Planting and caring for Apium graveolens Dulce. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
The plant is biennial, herbs and roots are formed in the first year and the second year the celery starts to bloom and it grows fruit with seeds inside. Recommend to place rows of celery in full sun, a little shade of celery also feels good but in the sun it leaves more fragrant. The most suitable temperature for the celery about 20°C, it grows best in a temperate climate. Lightweight cold weather and even small freezing plant tolerates better than the heat.
Preferred soil fertile, loose, well-drained, absorbent and moisture-retaining, with neutral acidity. If the soil is acidic, before planting the celery make lime. It is impossible to plant celery near the parsnips, as they both suffer from celery flies, garden pest. Great attention should be paid to selection of varieties of celery, to highlight how good and easy in cultivation can sorta "malachite", "White feather", "Golden". When buying seeds you need to pay attention to the expiration date, because the germination rate in old seeds is zero. It is convenient to buy and plant different varieties with different ripening terms, to the whole season to cut the stalks and greens.
The seeds are washed and soaked in water for three days, then planted the seedlings. Celery can be planted in the open ground, but the seeds a very long time to germinate and begin to grow so much faster and more productive plant in the garden already fragile seedlings. The seeds in seedling boxes are planted in March using as substrate a mixture of leaf soil, humus and peat. Small seeds are distributed on the surface of the soil evenly and prosypayutsya the top layer of soil or peat. Pour through a fine sieve or nozzle heads. Fresh seeds, soak, sprout for 5-6-th day.
When the first true leaves, celery planted in separate cups, swooping for the transplant. Need for the transplant to try not to fill the earth point of growth. Polerowanie planted and the seedlings put on a Sunny windowsill. In the garden the celery is planted in April-may, once the threat of frost passes. When planting rights scheme 20x30, for hardening for several days the seedlings spend the night on the balcony. Ridges in the country often serves since the fall, digging a wide furrow and filling them with manure and compost, and top soil falling asleep. When planting rosette with leaves should always be above the ground, the soil around compacted plants. As the stems grow, furrows spiked soil, plant Spud. It is necessary to whiten the stalks.
As soon as the petioles up to 30 cm, they are collected into a bundle and tie, trying not to damage the stems. The base is wrapped in dark paper, it will help them to acquire a white color and taste succulent. To the petioles was more sweet, the base of the plant overlaid with straw. To cut petiolate trench varieties of celery in the late fall.
Celery is often affected by bacterial leaf spot, pith rot, blackleg, rotting the base of the stem and white rot of stems and leaf mosaic virus. Therefore, when growing celery, you need to devote a lot of time pest control, they are major disease vectors. Causes rot can become abundant watering and stagnation of water, and also shared remoisture soil on the site.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: domashniy.ru/
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