The paper is often more gems: the letters of Paul Florensky from prison children
The letters of Paul Florensky from prison children as satellites, launched on convoy orbit...
Twenty six million three hundred one thousand six hundred fifty six
Russian priest and brilliant scientist Pavel Florensky was executed in the conclusion on 8 December 1937. The last of his surviving letters home dated June 19, 1937*. Correspondence, albeit censored, was the last hope, the last spiritual refuge for all who were ripped from their native environment. In a country where almost the entire population experienced total separation occurred unprecedented in world history, the rise of the epistolary genre. And the last of Paul Florensky Sciences was the science of parting.
Letters to Florensky's family as companions, running them on convoy orbit. They convey his love over barbed wire, broadcast his thoughts and every line defeat death. More physical suffering Florensky was afraid of losing closeness with children. He began to think about the possible separation in the time when the older children (Basil and Cyril) were quite small, and the younger (Olga, Michael and Maria Tinatin) was not in the world. After the February revolution, knowing well that this is only the beginning of the disaster, 35-year-old Florensky thinks about spiritual Testament to the children. His original text he is 11 April 1917, and then seven (!) again returns to the mother: in may and July of 1917, June 1919, June 1920, March 1921, August 1922, March 1923.
He, as if anticipating that his children will be orphaned earlier, tries to be clearer and easier to Express their treasured thoughts:
"... Home, library, things don't sell, without the most extreme need.
Don't look for power, wealth, influence.... We do not tend it all; in a small proportion also it will come in as needed. Otherwise you will be boring and painful to live.
... Always be in life is kind to people and considerate. It is not necessary to distribute, to scatter property, affection, advice, not charity. But try to listen and be able to come up with a valid help to those whom God will send to you as in need of assistance.
... Don't do anything tasteless, somehow. Remember, "something like" you can lose a lifetime.
... Often look at the stars..."
Letters to Florensky children not only envelop their tenderness, but also contain correspondence lessons — biology, mathematics, literature, music, Russian language, Mineralogy... Pavel answers questions children who are not adapting to their age — seriously. Remember himself a little, he knew how hurt the children when explaining adults are "past issues."
Pavel unwittingly laid the principles of distance learning (it is appropriate to recall that in 1922, working in the electrotechnical Institute, he designed a device which was the prototype of the computer). Pedagogy Florensky, deprived of the possibility to act here and now, devoid of the visual, tactile and auditory contact, all concentrated in the word, thoughts and images.
His epistolary lessons to younger children like exciting stories about animals D. Durrell. They were often accompanied by drawings. You might think that the author of these letters not barbed wire, but the trip to the biological station.
"Dear Teak... a Guinea pig noise, like the pigeons, but more high-pitched voices and small sound as sparrows; therefore, here they are called birds. Here, all the letter came out an animal..."(22 February 1935).
"Dear Mick, I inform you the latest news about the silver foxes..."(On March 13-14, 1935).
"Dear Teak, do you put up with chickens, and we've got all sorts of other ATA and YATA: rabbits, sea pigs, white mice, and probably have kittens. Sometimes rabbits out of cages for a walk. They jump in the kitchen and in the hallway, and I catch them, although this is not always possible. They are big coward. Very soft, plush faces...»
"Dear Teak, I can tell you the latest news. Today our old tri-colour Guinea pig born cubs. Usually they are born. But this time the pig brought five..."(23 June 1935).
"Dear Teak, that have kept with us and the last of the gulls, but instead of them ravens. Say cicata this year will arrive only after 3 years, will obviously be brought up somewhere in the warm countries. Even the gulls, as you can see, we have to learn its Chaykin Sciences..."(16 September 1935).
After my father's arrest Olya did not take long to school. Trying to keep my daughter craving for self-education, Pavel writes her a series of letters about the development of Russian literature. In these brilliant "lectures", Florensky spoke about the poets, whose names are in the school course of literature, then, is not even mentioned. He shares with her daughter her own personal memories of K. Balmont, A. White, V. Rozanov, Vyacheslav. Ivanov... For 15-year-old Misha's father is giving a quiz:
"Dear Mick, here's a riddle: what's the name of one scientist is written with three soft characters? Another question: what color is chlorophyll? Third question: when Russia was going to Annex England? Once I was approached with one question (alas!) my former student and asked, "Were two of Spinoza, one Baruch, another Benedict. Which of the two was particularly great?"You can answer me not to write and tell their mommy."
Vasili mid-thirties taught at the Department of petrography of sedimentary rocks of the Moscow oil Institute, during the war years he was Dean of the faculty of exploration PIM im. Gubkin's.
Cyril became one of the founders of comparative planetology (O. Paul, by the way, wanted to do astrophysics). It is named after a crater on the back side of the moon.
Olga became a botanist, Tina chemist.
And Michael is a specialist in the field of drilling wells. This is his letter to his wife, Pavel Florensky left the answers to the quiz:
"Riddle Miku razvalivaetsya filename Kjeldal...
The second question is... chlorophyll — white, and the green color gives him a present in it green<th> pigment.
The third question: under John the terrible, which for this purpose is asked in marriage to the English<Yi> Queen Elizabeth, but was refused — on the happiness, because Elizabeth was such a witch that would be able to kill even Ivan Vasilyevich the terrible.
Fourth question: Benedict is the Latin translation of the Hebrew Baruch, so Benedict Spinoza and Baruch Spinoza is one and the same person..."(4 June 1937)
Six months and four days before the shooting.
* Priest Paul Florensky. All thoughts — about you. Letter to the family from the camps and prisons 1933-1937 SPb., "Satis'", 2004. "... Abides forever". Originator: P. V. Florensky. Volume 1-2. The international centre of the Roerichs. M., 2012.
Author: Dmitry Shevarov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.rg.ru/2015/04/15/rodina-florenskij.html
Twenty six million three hundred one thousand six hundred fifty six
Russian priest and brilliant scientist Pavel Florensky was executed in the conclusion on 8 December 1937. The last of his surviving letters home dated June 19, 1937*. Correspondence, albeit censored, was the last hope, the last spiritual refuge for all who were ripped from their native environment. In a country where almost the entire population experienced total separation occurred unprecedented in world history, the rise of the epistolary genre. And the last of Paul Florensky Sciences was the science of parting.
Letters to Florensky's family as companions, running them on convoy orbit. They convey his love over barbed wire, broadcast his thoughts and every line defeat death. More physical suffering Florensky was afraid of losing closeness with children. He began to think about the possible separation in the time when the older children (Basil and Cyril) were quite small, and the younger (Olga, Michael and Maria Tinatin) was not in the world. After the February revolution, knowing well that this is only the beginning of the disaster, 35-year-old Florensky thinks about spiritual Testament to the children. His original text he is 11 April 1917, and then seven (!) again returns to the mother: in may and July of 1917, June 1919, June 1920, March 1921, August 1922, March 1923.
He, as if anticipating that his children will be orphaned earlier, tries to be clearer and easier to Express their treasured thoughts:
"... Home, library, things don't sell, without the most extreme need.
Don't look for power, wealth, influence.... We do not tend it all; in a small proportion also it will come in as needed. Otherwise you will be boring and painful to live.
... Always be in life is kind to people and considerate. It is not necessary to distribute, to scatter property, affection, advice, not charity. But try to listen and be able to come up with a valid help to those whom God will send to you as in need of assistance.
... Don't do anything tasteless, somehow. Remember, "something like" you can lose a lifetime.
... Often look at the stars..."
Letters to Florensky children not only envelop their tenderness, but also contain correspondence lessons — biology, mathematics, literature, music, Russian language, Mineralogy... Pavel answers questions children who are not adapting to their age — seriously. Remember himself a little, he knew how hurt the children when explaining adults are "past issues."
Pavel unwittingly laid the principles of distance learning (it is appropriate to recall that in 1922, working in the electrotechnical Institute, he designed a device which was the prototype of the computer). Pedagogy Florensky, deprived of the possibility to act here and now, devoid of the visual, tactile and auditory contact, all concentrated in the word, thoughts and images.
His epistolary lessons to younger children like exciting stories about animals D. Durrell. They were often accompanied by drawings. You might think that the author of these letters not barbed wire, but the trip to the biological station.
"Dear Teak... a Guinea pig noise, like the pigeons, but more high-pitched voices and small sound as sparrows; therefore, here they are called birds. Here, all the letter came out an animal..."(22 February 1935).
"Dear Mick, I inform you the latest news about the silver foxes..."(On March 13-14, 1935).
"Dear Teak, do you put up with chickens, and we've got all sorts of other ATA and YATA: rabbits, sea pigs, white mice, and probably have kittens. Sometimes rabbits out of cages for a walk. They jump in the kitchen and in the hallway, and I catch them, although this is not always possible. They are big coward. Very soft, plush faces...»
"Dear Teak, I can tell you the latest news. Today our old tri-colour Guinea pig born cubs. Usually they are born. But this time the pig brought five..."(23 June 1935).
"Dear Teak, that have kept with us and the last of the gulls, but instead of them ravens. Say cicata this year will arrive only after 3 years, will obviously be brought up somewhere in the warm countries. Even the gulls, as you can see, we have to learn its Chaykin Sciences..."(16 September 1935).
After my father's arrest Olya did not take long to school. Trying to keep my daughter craving for self-education, Pavel writes her a series of letters about the development of Russian literature. In these brilliant "lectures", Florensky spoke about the poets, whose names are in the school course of literature, then, is not even mentioned. He shares with her daughter her own personal memories of K. Balmont, A. White, V. Rozanov, Vyacheslav. Ivanov... For 15-year-old Misha's father is giving a quiz:
"Dear Mick, here's a riddle: what's the name of one scientist is written with three soft characters? Another question: what color is chlorophyll? Third question: when Russia was going to Annex England? Once I was approached with one question (alas!) my former student and asked, "Were two of Spinoza, one Baruch, another Benedict. Which of the two was particularly great?"You can answer me not to write and tell their mommy."
Vasili mid-thirties taught at the Department of petrography of sedimentary rocks of the Moscow oil Institute, during the war years he was Dean of the faculty of exploration PIM im. Gubkin's.
Cyril became one of the founders of comparative planetology (O. Paul, by the way, wanted to do astrophysics). It is named after a crater on the back side of the moon.
Olga became a botanist, Tina chemist.
And Michael is a specialist in the field of drilling wells. This is his letter to his wife, Pavel Florensky left the answers to the quiz:
"Riddle Miku razvalivaetsya filename Kjeldal...
The second question is... chlorophyll — white, and the green color gives him a present in it green<th> pigment.
The third question: under John the terrible, which for this purpose is asked in marriage to the English<Yi> Queen Elizabeth, but was refused — on the happiness, because Elizabeth was such a witch that would be able to kill even Ivan Vasilyevich the terrible.
Fourth question: Benedict is the Latin translation of the Hebrew Baruch, so Benedict Spinoza and Baruch Spinoza is one and the same person..."(4 June 1937)
Six months and four days before the shooting.
* Priest Paul Florensky. All thoughts — about you. Letter to the family from the camps and prisons 1933-1937 SPb., "Satis'", 2004. "... Abides forever". Originator: P. V. Florensky. Volume 1-2. The international centre of the Roerichs. M., 2012.
Author: Dmitry Shevarov
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.rg.ru/2015/04/15/rodina-florenskij.html
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