Wheelys 2 electric tricycle-truck
In January, the Swedish and the society of inventions and discovery (NSID) presented Wheelys 2 electric tricycle-truck, which acts as a mobile coffee shop on wheels. Despite the fact that this vehicle, running on electricity, provided almost all the necessities one would need its owner to run your own business, the developers recently announced the upcoming release of an updated and improved version of the tricycle – model Wheelys 3.
Like its predecessor (and also runs on gasoline Wheelys 1), electric Wheelys 3 boasts equipment such as insulated compartment for chilled beverages and snacks, coffee maker siphon type, 10-liter thermos for coffee, a photovoltaic solar panel for battery charging, as well as a special tank for collecting liquid accidentally spilled while driving.
Unlike the previous version of Wheelys 2, which only has one butane burner to heat the coffee maker, the new model of a mobile coffee shop is equipped with three burners for three coffee makers. All three can run simultaneously when the tricycle is parked. The management of these plates is carried out via a wireless connection using a custom application. In addition, the app can be used to track customer orders and process payments, including those made through Bitcoin.
The new version of the coffee shop on wheels the developers have added a water heater and a mini-tug with greenhouse a greenhouse for growing your own coffee trees. How many owners will want to use this greenhouse? It is hardly likely, it's just a marketing gimmick by Swedish developers.
Currently, the society NSID placed project Wheelys 3 on the crowdfunding website Indiegogo to raise funds for the production of three-wheeled trucks. Interested persons may leave a Deposit of 2999 USD to become one of the first lucky owners of this amazing vehicle.
As before, anyone can buy Wheelys 3, and by paying a monthly fee franchises, to coffee beans and other products and materials needed to run the business. All proceeds from the sale of prepared coffee, the money they keep.
More information about the new model can be viewed in a rather bizarre video below.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.cheburek.net/elektricheskie-avtomobili/predstavlena-novaya-versiya-mobilnoj-trexkolesnoj-kofejni-wheelys-3.html

Like its predecessor (and also runs on gasoline Wheelys 1), electric Wheelys 3 boasts equipment such as insulated compartment for chilled beverages and snacks, coffee maker siphon type, 10-liter thermos for coffee, a photovoltaic solar panel for battery charging, as well as a special tank for collecting liquid accidentally spilled while driving.
Unlike the previous version of Wheelys 2, which only has one butane burner to heat the coffee maker, the new model of a mobile coffee shop is equipped with three burners for three coffee makers. All three can run simultaneously when the tricycle is parked. The management of these plates is carried out via a wireless connection using a custom application. In addition, the app can be used to track customer orders and process payments, including those made through Bitcoin.
The new version of the coffee shop on wheels the developers have added a water heater and a mini-tug with greenhouse a greenhouse for growing your own coffee trees. How many owners will want to use this greenhouse? It is hardly likely, it's just a marketing gimmick by Swedish developers.
Currently, the society NSID placed project Wheelys 3 on the crowdfunding website Indiegogo to raise funds for the production of three-wheeled trucks. Interested persons may leave a Deposit of 2999 USD to become one of the first lucky owners of this amazing vehicle.
As before, anyone can buy Wheelys 3, and by paying a monthly fee franchises, to coffee beans and other products and materials needed to run the business. All proceeds from the sale of prepared coffee, the money they keep.
More information about the new model can be viewed in a rather bizarre video below.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.cheburek.net/elektricheskie-avtomobili/predstavlena-novaya-versiya-mobilnoj-trexkolesnoj-kofejni-wheelys-3.html