10 books about the struggle of man against the system, which is worth reading
Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451"
Fahrenheit 451 — the temperature at which ignites and burns the paper. The world of the future where they burn books, they kill the people in the debris and treat any dissent with electric shocks, terrible. It's scary, because true, because a lot have already come true. But while there are love, beauty and the pursuit of truth, we have a chance.
Ken kizi "Over the cuckoo's nest"
This book is gross and passed an honest depiction of the borders between sanity and madness. Mental hospital, where everything works perfectly, turns people into law-abiding citizens. Red-haired Irishman who just mows here from prison, headed the revolt of the little man against this colossus. The only trouble is that "it is impossible to win the final victory"...
George Orwell "1984"
The novel describes a world divided between three totalitarian States. The book is about complete control, the destruction of all human and trying to survive in a world of hatred. The novel has been repeatedly censored by the socialist countries.
Yevgeny Zamyatin "We"
In the twenty-sixth century the inhabitants of Utopia have so lost their individuality, which differ only by numbers. At the head of the United States is someone called the Benefactor, who is annually re-elected by the entire population, as a rule, unanimously. The guiding principle of the State is that happiness and freedom are incompatible.
Chuck Palahniuk "Fight club"
It was the most amazing and the most scandalous book of the 1990s. the Book, which the mouth of Chuck Palahniuk began to speak not just "generation x", but "generation x" already embittered, already having lost their illusions. This is the last desperate attempt to gain freedom. "Resurrection is possible only after complete self-destruction. Only to lose everything we gain freedom."
Jerome D. Salinger "the catcher in the rye"
A reference book of several generations of young rebels reminds us what it feels like when your head hasn't had the system, and you are asking questions that no one knows the answer because none of them thought. How difficult it is to fit into a world when you're 16 (or 27, or 48).
Harper Lee "to Kill a Mockingbird"
The novel, written from the eight year old girl, is set in a small American town, "tired from a long life," where there is a place and crime, and racial oppression. But it is a novel about courage. "Courage is when you know in advance that he had lost, and still take the case and in spite of everything in the world going to end. Win very rarely, but sometimes still win."
Aldous Huxley "brave new world"
Before us is a consumer society in all its glory. It knows neither pain nor sorrow. Every person almost from birth are taught that his place in society — the best of; all they need are provided by any benefits. If all the same the soul crept into the sadness enough to take a couple of pills easy drug soma, and bad mood will be over.
Franz Kafka "The Process"
On the morning of his thirtieth birthday, Josef K. is arrested, but do not call reasons two employees of a certain organization. However, Joseph continues to conduct his life as before, because the organization does not fear his escape. He was invited to court, attend at home and at work, persecuted. All the while he tries to figure out the reason for his arrest, but did not get the truth from the surrounding bureaucracy.
Joanne Harris's "Gentlemen and players"
Preferred school St Oswald's has always been famous for impeccable order and exceptional virtue. It's hard to imagine that there could happen something daring, outrageous, flagrant. However, this is happening. Starts with some small misunderstandings, but gradually the events grow like a snowball. Against the St Oswald conducted secret war. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/al_feed.php?w=wall-23611958_125081
Fahrenheit 451 — the temperature at which ignites and burns the paper. The world of the future where they burn books, they kill the people in the debris and treat any dissent with electric shocks, terrible. It's scary, because true, because a lot have already come true. But while there are love, beauty and the pursuit of truth, we have a chance.

Ken kizi "Over the cuckoo's nest"
This book is gross and passed an honest depiction of the borders between sanity and madness. Mental hospital, where everything works perfectly, turns people into law-abiding citizens. Red-haired Irishman who just mows here from prison, headed the revolt of the little man against this colossus. The only trouble is that "it is impossible to win the final victory"...
George Orwell "1984"
The novel describes a world divided between three totalitarian States. The book is about complete control, the destruction of all human and trying to survive in a world of hatred. The novel has been repeatedly censored by the socialist countries.
Yevgeny Zamyatin "We"
In the twenty-sixth century the inhabitants of Utopia have so lost their individuality, which differ only by numbers. At the head of the United States is someone called the Benefactor, who is annually re-elected by the entire population, as a rule, unanimously. The guiding principle of the State is that happiness and freedom are incompatible.
Chuck Palahniuk "Fight club"
It was the most amazing and the most scandalous book of the 1990s. the Book, which the mouth of Chuck Palahniuk began to speak not just "generation x", but "generation x" already embittered, already having lost their illusions. This is the last desperate attempt to gain freedom. "Resurrection is possible only after complete self-destruction. Only to lose everything we gain freedom."
Jerome D. Salinger "the catcher in the rye"
A reference book of several generations of young rebels reminds us what it feels like when your head hasn't had the system, and you are asking questions that no one knows the answer because none of them thought. How difficult it is to fit into a world when you're 16 (or 27, or 48).
Harper Lee "to Kill a Mockingbird"
The novel, written from the eight year old girl, is set in a small American town, "tired from a long life," where there is a place and crime, and racial oppression. But it is a novel about courage. "Courage is when you know in advance that he had lost, and still take the case and in spite of everything in the world going to end. Win very rarely, but sometimes still win."
Aldous Huxley "brave new world"
Before us is a consumer society in all its glory. It knows neither pain nor sorrow. Every person almost from birth are taught that his place in society — the best of; all they need are provided by any benefits. If all the same the soul crept into the sadness enough to take a couple of pills easy drug soma, and bad mood will be over.
Franz Kafka "The Process"
On the morning of his thirtieth birthday, Josef K. is arrested, but do not call reasons two employees of a certain organization. However, Joseph continues to conduct his life as before, because the organization does not fear his escape. He was invited to court, attend at home and at work, persecuted. All the while he tries to figure out the reason for his arrest, but did not get the truth from the surrounding bureaucracy.
Joanne Harris's "Gentlemen and players"
Preferred school St Oswald's has always been famous for impeccable order and exceptional virtue. It's hard to imagine that there could happen something daring, outrageous, flagrant. However, this is happening. Starts with some small misunderstandings, but gradually the events grow like a snowball. Against the St Oswald conducted secret war. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/al_feed.php?w=wall-23611958_125081
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