29 shots that are worth a whole movie
In every film there are shots, one look at which will make us remember the whole picture and relive all the sensations received while watching it.
We have collected 29 of these shots and invite you to a super-saturated and super-fast movie viewing.
The Shining, 1980
Kill Bill, 2003
My neighbor, Totoro, 1988
Country of the Deaf, 1997
Schindler's List, 1993
Grand Budapest Hotel, 2014
Making a Victim, 2006
Big fish, 2003
Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back, 1980
Sisters, 2001
American Beauty, 1999
Slum millionaire, 2008
Amelie, 2001
The Shawshank Escape, 1994
Brother 2, 2000
Romeo + Juliet, 1996
The Truman Show, 1998
The Black Swan, 2010
Moulin Rouge, 2001
Melancholia, 2011
Nosferatu. Symphony of Horror, 1921
Criminal Fiction, 1994
The Exorcist, 1973
The Eternal Sunshine of Pure Reason, 2004
Mad Max: The Road of Rage, 2015
Dracula, 1992
Faun's Labyrinth, 2006
Leon, 1994
Sleepy Hollow, 1999
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook and VKontakte, and we are also in Odnoklasniki
Source: www.pics.ru/30-kadrov-kotorye-stoyat-tselogo-filma
We have collected 29 of these shots and invite you to a super-saturated and super-fast movie viewing.
The Shining, 1980
Kill Bill, 2003
My neighbor, Totoro, 1988
Country of the Deaf, 1997
Schindler's List, 1993
Grand Budapest Hotel, 2014
Making a Victim, 2006
Big fish, 2003
Star Wars. The Empire Strikes Back, 1980
Sisters, 2001
American Beauty, 1999
Slum millionaire, 2008
Amelie, 2001
The Shawshank Escape, 1994
Brother 2, 2000
Romeo + Juliet, 1996
The Truman Show, 1998
The Black Swan, 2010
Moulin Rouge, 2001
Melancholia, 2011
Nosferatu. Symphony of Horror, 1921
Criminal Fiction, 1994
The Exorcist, 1973
The Eternal Sunshine of Pure Reason, 2004
Mad Max: The Road of Rage, 2015
Dracula, 1992
Faun's Labyrinth, 2006
Leon, 1994
Sleepy Hollow, 1999
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook and VKontakte, and we are also in Odnoklasniki
Source: www.pics.ru/30-kadrov-kotorye-stoyat-tselogo-filma
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