Gently-pungent spicy sprats

Sprat fish in General, simple, does not aspire to the proud name of anchovy. Spicy Ambassador she really is, and the composition of spices can be varied according to your taste. We then remembered how when I was sucking the mackerel in spicy casting "spark", which was either the sauce or the pepper flakes, but that was gently burning, fragrant and delicious. So we decided to experiment with anchovies, adding in a classic composition of spices for pickling hot pepper and removing the cloves. It tastes good, not too spicy, in new ways.

What you will need:

  • 500 g frozen sardines
  • 1 tsp of coriander seeds
  • 6 peas of black pepper
  • 2 peas of fragrant pepper
  • 4 Bay leaves
  • ¼ Tsp dried flakes of chilli
  • 2 tbsp coarse sea salt
Fish defrosting on the grill. Then wash it in cold water, lay back on the grid, to the water glass.

Coriander, and black pepper coarsely crushed in a mortar, mix with the chilli flakes and salt.

Bay leaf can break and mix with the other spices, and can be left whole, so its easier to get.

Pilchards sprinkle with mixture of salt and spices, mix gently. Put in a glass or enameled bowl or saucepan. The fish, cover the dish, put on top of easy yoke and put into the refrigerator.

You can eat pilchards in 2 days, but better to let her proselytize at least a week.

Then a sprat to shift into a glass jar, drain the excess brine. Store in the refrigerator, the Gulf of vegetable oil.

Defrosted shrimp may be too soft for pickling, so we suggest to use a coarse sea salt – it's faster, it pulls moisture from the fish.published


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