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Debbie Shapiro: All that You hold in your mind will reflect in Your body

There is a natural connection between the mind and body. Whatever you hold in your mind, all will be reflected in your physical body. Any feelings of hostility or violence against another, strong passion, persistent jealousy, painful anxiety, outbursts of fervor — all it really destroys the cells and causes the development of diseases of heart, liver, kidney, spleen, stomach, etc. Anxiety and stress caused new deadly diseases, high blood pressure, lesions of the heart and nervous system, cancer. The pain that plagued the physical body is the secondary disease.


Our appetite depends entirely on the self and its essence, from feelings of emotional hunger or saturation. Lack of saturation leads to a deep inner hunger, the lack of not only food but love, emotional arousal, in other words, to inner emptiness.

A voracious appetite indicates the unwillingness to seek answers to difficult questions within themselves, as if the unrestrained intake of food can bring some satisfaction and release. When we are satisfied emotionally (find the love of yourself and your ability to love others), our appetite becomes normal.




This condition is mainly due to the same internal causes that anorexia and obesity, but is the absorption of huge amounts of food followed by forced vomiting. In this case, the antipathy to himself so great a preference for the vomiting, not health, which further strengthens self-loathing.

Food and then getting rid of the food does not deliver any pleasure. All of this points to the obvious depression and despair. It is important to show unconditional love and acceptance, because the desire to get rid of hidden food the need to get rid of despair.


Low blood sugar is a sign that we have too much give to others, leaving nothing of themselves. He suggests that we need to start to love yourself, commend yourself, and then to love others. Hypoglycemia may develop with increased load or an excessive tension when the stocks of sugar in the blood are depleted faster than we can replenish them.


Depression involves a deep inner grief and the desire for another life, the contradiction between the ideal and the real, between who we would like to be and who we really are. Of course, this condition is determined by a chemical or hormonal imbalance, but the cause of it can be found in basic attitudes and emotional problems. What difficulties we experienced in childhood?

If we had a chance to survive the war in which lives are worth nothing? Perhaps we have lost the purpose and meaning of life, losing a loved one? Depression is quite frankly demonstrates the relationship between mind and body: when the mind depressed, the body loses its vitality and healthy function. In this situation it is important to achieve deep relaxation and to reconnect with reality".


Here begins the process of digestion, and this applies equally to the digestion of food and to digest the reality of events and emotions. If the validity of "indigestible" or "sickening", it really can cause indigestion or nausea. Stomach emotionally connected with food, love and mother. "Sucking" hole in the stomach often means the need for love and emotional support, as well as the need for food. Stomach problems occur when life does not meet our expectations, and we react to it negatively – the formation of acid in the stomach.


What or who are we "digested"? Stomach is the place where we partake of the food from the outside, reality, thoughts, feelings and events to digest, assimilate and integrate into their system. If something broke, digestion, so in some way the reality with which we are dealing and which took in itself, cause disorder and disharmony.


It shows a heightened response to other people, indicating that the lack of contact with own inner essence. This is a very self-centered condition in which we see things only subjectively, that is according to how relevant they are to us. We live in fear of attacks or insults; we are not able to relax and get rid of their selfish attitudes. There is no trust. Great importance is relaxation.


This condition is often regarded as a payment for the success: now we're so good we can afford to eat whatever you want. Food is a wonderful means of relaxation and emotional satisfaction, because in our minds it is associated with love and with mother.

However, if it is used to replace the emotional emptiness or as compensation for emotional isolation, the growing obesity. We put a layer of fat between our inner self and the outside world, assign him the role of defensive moat, which should protect us from attacks from our own vulnerability and possible resentment. But with the same success it impedes our free expression. Obesity often develops after a severe emotional shock or loss, as the feeling of emptiness is unbearable.

We lose the purpose and meaning of life, and our attempt to fill this void actually only makes it worse. Excess flesh indicates that we cling to rigid mental attitudes and stereotypes, although in reality they have long been a cause of embarrassment. Obesity in children may reflect their difficulties in the process of understanding a reality or of self-expression and often manifesting after a divorce or after the death of one of them.


Swelling can be the swelling, as occurs with injury or inflammation. It means the emotional resistance, or inhibitions. Edema is accumulation of fluid, accumulation of emotions that we hold, including their expression is unacceptable. It is also a way of self-defense, and we can ask ourselves what we are feeling, what you need to protect? In more serious cases may develop generalized edema.

Pathological addictions

It attempts to find satisfaction in something outside of yourself, as the ability to meet the needs from inside lost. Can develop pathological addiction to food, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, sex and so on. Whatever they were, they fill the void, assuage the feeling of hopelessness, bessmyslennoe life, which like a whirlpool pulling us demand a sacrifice.

It is an unresolved question of our relationship with him, resentment and anger at a world that is not fulfilling our desires; failing to nastojashemu to love yourself without fear and to perceive his loneliness. We all in some way saved his own ego. Some show it with its associated fears and neuroses external way, through addiction to something material, while others hide it inside, beginning to be afraid of the dark or attacks. To get rid of these addictions, you need strength and courage, to strive toward the unknown, to gain confidence that everything will be okay, and most importantly, to grow love for yourself.


It can be positive to play a catalytic and constructive role, and the negative, life threatening. Stress factor by itself is far less important than our reaction to it: how we react to situations, events, feelings and difficulties, depend on stress-related changes in the body. Instead of blaming external circumstances for their troubles, you need to look at themselves and study their own reactions, motives and attitude. Great importance is deep relaxation. published

From the book D. Shapiro, "the MIND HEALS the BODY" P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki

Source: yastr.com/ZDOROVIE_BEZ_LEKARSTV/shapiro/