Thanks to all who hinder us...

Thanks to all who hinder us,
Who is going to harm us,
Who destroys our plans,
And strives to offend us!
Oh, if only these people
Could understand the role
They play in our lives,
We are inflicting this pain!
Soul, not knowing the loss,
The soul, not knowing of the offense,
The happiness in life will be measured?
The joy of forgiveness, something to compare?
Well, we could become more wisdom and develop
Without this kind of evil people?
Because they create obstacles
There's a thousands of ideas,
Full of goodness and light
And I repeat it a hundred times:
THANK YOU for all of THIS,
Well, what would we do without YOU!
© Natalia Drozdova
Source: /users/1077
Archpriest Alexy Uminsky: what is sent alone
Leptin is the main hormone regulator of energy metabolism, part 1.