How to make a light housekeeper from incandescent bulbs
Many people want to pay less for the light including the bulb. Now a lot of economical lamps, but they are also not a penny. Cheapest: incandescent. Here the design is cheap and reliable. Hope useful to you!
A few days ago was coming home late, not taking no phone, no flashlight, and as evil and the light in the stairwell burned out, trying to find the keyhole for 10 minutes and then another, and key insert — tried for 5 minutes... Oh the light... once a week blows steadily... and then I remembered that in such cases do in the army... Make the light bulb a housekeeper from the conventional incandescent bulbs=) housekeeper, because electricity eats two times less and burnout is not so often...
So, to create this miracle of light bulb we need:
• The light bulb (I took the 100W)
• Wire cutters
• A diode (I used a diode Chinese production)
• Soldering iron and soldering accessories
For starters, take a look at the diagram which, in my opinion, is extremely simple to repeat.
We take our bulb and solder it to the diode carrying direction of the light.
Now we need to clean the base of the broken bulb from the glass, it should be done gently and carefully to avoid injury.
Next, take the base of burned-out light bulbs and a soldering iron heat the solder contact on it, in the end there should be a hole, which we miss already soldered to the working light diode.
Now we take our preparation and stick the cap on the base and fix with electrical tape or heat shrink.
We should get something like this:
Almost ready)
Only thing left is to trim the protruding end of the diode and solder it to the contact cap
Now it's ready!
You can proceed with testing our housekeeper screwed into the socket and turn on the light
We see that the light on the floor heater and some noticeable flickering, but what else is needed for the driveway? This is sufficient for lighting. Now the light bulb will last much longer and will burn two times less electricity.
Thank you all and good luck! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: usamodelkina.ru/3095-ekonomka-iz-lampy-nakalivaniya.html