5 First Aid Skills Everyone Needs to Know
Every year our lives are less and less like a piece of cake. Trouble haunts man everywhere - sadly, but it's true.
Therefore, you need to be prepared for any situation, especially one where the existence of another person may depend on your skills.
Here are five basic principles of first aid that everyone needs to know.
Artificial breathing
Artificial respiration refers to elementary resuscitation actions, which everyone must know. Do not think that it will be enough just to breathe mouth-to-mouth to provide the necessary access to oxygen to the victim: first of all, you should check the airways and remove, if necessary, foreign objects, blood or mucus. Do the first 10 exhalations quickly, then maintain a rhythm of 20 exhalations per minute. Remember: if the chest of a person rises, you do everything right.
Indirect heart massage
This should be done if the pulse of the victim is absent. Determine the area of the shortest and narrowest part of the sternum and measure 2-3 centimeters from its edge - this will be the compression point, the point of application of forces. Put the base of the palm here, cover it with the other palm - the pressure will be carried out by these parts. Rhythmic tremors do strongly and smoothly, the direction of movement is strictly vertical. We will have to try: the frequency should fluctuate at 110 pressures per minute. Do not be afraid, the chest under your palms will bend 3-4 centimeters. If there is a pulse, heart massage should not be carried out.
Heimlich's reception
This technique like to show in American movies: there and then someone choking on a hamburger. So, stand behind the sufferer and wrap his arms just above the navel, closing his arms right under the ribs. Now with force put pressure on the stomach of the unfortunate - most likely, you will have to pull this trick several times.
Fainting happens with a lack of oxygen - cerebral blood flow is disturbed and the body sends a command to turn off the body. It is important to understand that Most quickly a person will recover from excess intake of life-giving air. Lay the victim near the window and release him from pressing clothes. It will not be superfluous to splash water in the face, and if there is a first aid kit at hand - do not hesitate to use ammonia.
Also interesting: First aid for tick bites
The Stop Rule: Simple Solutions to Complex Problems
Food poisoningSubscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself, as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor in healing.
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This is gonna get dirty. In case of poisoning, it is necessary, first of all, to clean the stomach of the victim from the remains of poison. Salted water is best: 10 grams of salt per liter of water – two to three glasses are usually enough to cause vomiting.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: dnpmag.com/2016/04/15/5-navykov-pervoj-pomoshhi-kotorye-neobxodimo-znat-kazhdomu/
Therefore, you need to be prepared for any situation, especially one where the existence of another person may depend on your skills.
Here are five basic principles of first aid that everyone needs to know.
Artificial breathing
Artificial respiration refers to elementary resuscitation actions, which everyone must know. Do not think that it will be enough just to breathe mouth-to-mouth to provide the necessary access to oxygen to the victim: first of all, you should check the airways and remove, if necessary, foreign objects, blood or mucus. Do the first 10 exhalations quickly, then maintain a rhythm of 20 exhalations per minute. Remember: if the chest of a person rises, you do everything right.
Indirect heart massage
This should be done if the pulse of the victim is absent. Determine the area of the shortest and narrowest part of the sternum and measure 2-3 centimeters from its edge - this will be the compression point, the point of application of forces. Put the base of the palm here, cover it with the other palm - the pressure will be carried out by these parts. Rhythmic tremors do strongly and smoothly, the direction of movement is strictly vertical. We will have to try: the frequency should fluctuate at 110 pressures per minute. Do not be afraid, the chest under your palms will bend 3-4 centimeters. If there is a pulse, heart massage should not be carried out.
Heimlich's reception
This technique like to show in American movies: there and then someone choking on a hamburger. So, stand behind the sufferer and wrap his arms just above the navel, closing his arms right under the ribs. Now with force put pressure on the stomach of the unfortunate - most likely, you will have to pull this trick several times.
Fainting happens with a lack of oxygen - cerebral blood flow is disturbed and the body sends a command to turn off the body. It is important to understand that Most quickly a person will recover from excess intake of life-giving air. Lay the victim near the window and release him from pressing clothes. It will not be superfluous to splash water in the face, and if there is a first aid kit at hand - do not hesitate to use ammonia.
Also interesting: First aid for tick bites
The Stop Rule: Simple Solutions to Complex Problems
Food poisoningSubscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself, as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor in healing.
Like it, share it with your friends! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXd71u0w04qcwk32c8kY2BA/videos
Subscribe - https:/ /www.facebook.com/
This is gonna get dirty. In case of poisoning, it is necessary, first of all, to clean the stomach of the victim from the remains of poison. Salted water is best: 10 grams of salt per liter of water – two to three glasses are usually enough to cause vomiting.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: dnpmag.com/2016/04/15/5-navykov-pervoj-pomoshhi-kotorye-neobxodimo-znat-kazhdomu/
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