Attitude to pain
To experience the Supreme pleasure, endless bliss, one must go through unbearable pain. (Sant Takar Singh)
Hurting the body, elevate the spirit. (The Vedas)
We are accustomed to pain to be treated negatively. It is generally accepted that any pain you need to "stop" because she bears the suffering, destroys. But I'm sorry, the pain is only our subjective feeling. The pain itself has no energy, she can't destroy. Pain is our reaction to external stimulation, which is transformed into an electrical impulse in the form of a signal to the brain. How to respond to this signal — up to us.
Perhaps says further many will find it strange, however, dear reader, do not have to believe everything at once. We share this knowledge, because you have already been through this.
Go you and find your experience.
The history of the famous case in Copenhagen, sentenced to death was blindfolded, said that he will slit my wrists and he would die from loss of blood. On the wrists, which usually check for a pulse, nails scraped his skin and started to brush a trickle of warm water, explaining that the veins opened and the blood flowing. In humans, the perception of scratches and warm water jet gave rise to the idea of bleeding. On this view, man has created an inference that he was dying. Appeared solid knowledge of the inevitability of death, which turned into a persuasion of the inevitability of death. Samobitnost killed him. And the picture of death is fully consistent with death from loss of blood.
This example — the example of the doctor of psychological Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Georgy Nikolayevich Sytin, the author of the Verbal-Figurative, Emotionally-Volitional control the human Condition (saevus).
We used to suffer from pain and it is also one of the bad habits. The saints do not suffer from pain. From those influences, from which ordinary people suffer the pain, experience the joy of the saints.
To learn how not to suffer pain and enjoy it, you need to change the attitude to pain. You need to stop be afraid and stop feeling sorry for yourself or treat yourself brutality when we're hurting.
For this purpose, we offer short affirmation: "I love pain". It must be repeated dozens, hundreds of times when there is any, even the most minor pain.
In fact, any pain is pleasure. Millivolts the internal electrical stress can cause unbearable pain, and the same mV may deliver Paradise pleasure.
When a baby is born, he cries, because it feels completely new, unfamiliar sensations. He doesn't know how to respond to them, and "asks for help" from adults. Over time, some influences from the outside world it will have a positive attitude, others a neutral, third — negative. And then the child from some feelings will enjoy and others to suffer.
The same child after some time tries to take its first steps. He's crying because yet again faced with new sensations: weak leg muscles don't want to keep the relatively heavy body. But after getting approval from the adults and breaking himself, he gets the opportunity to enjoy the walk.
The first sexual act, the girl brings a new feeling related to defloration hymen. Right after going through this experience, she gains the ability to enjoy sex. Otherwise, it is for life could remain frigid.
To all what we encounter for the first time, we initially have neutral relationship, which is really true. However, since childhood instilled in us the habit of "give estimation to everything". Because the contact with the "new" changes our neutral attitude either positive or negative.
When learning the "new," we do not accept, i.e., reject the test of feeling, they are fixed in the memory as unpleasant and give rise to a negative attitude to this new. We have adopted the feeling that is not rejected, remembered as a pleasant and form to the "new" positive attitude.
A second encounter with the same feelings (if we are not going to change their attitude to it) reinforces our new-onset reaction and forms a belief. That's why is so important the first reaction. That's why each new life situation requires careful qualified training, aimed at neutralizing relations, shaped by society.
Thus, all the immense variety of sensations which we experience, is only to two types of reactions "pleasant" and "unpleasant". Pleasant feelings give us pleasure, unpleasant or cause pain. When we are happy, we say "like" when we hate, we say "I don't like".
When we will be able to get rid of both types of reactions (and "unpleasant" and "pleasant") and replace them with a neutral reaction, we are not only freed from pain and suffering, but will experience a higher pleasure (bliss) and will be able to say "I love you".
So, another formula (formula pleasure): "in order to enjoy the pain, it is necessary to love."
Pain is part of us, and if we don't like pain, so we have not yet learned to love yourself.
If we are afraid of pain, so we're afraid of yourself.
If we hate the pain, it means we hate ourselves.
Alexander Omkar. "Treatise on schizophrenia and integrity. Book IV. Psychophysiology of spirituality".published
See also:
Not your people anyway, you will go
A powerful destroyer of family life
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.aum.news/zdorove/910-otnoshenie-k-boli
Hurting the body, elevate the spirit. (The Vedas)
We are accustomed to pain to be treated negatively. It is generally accepted that any pain you need to "stop" because she bears the suffering, destroys. But I'm sorry, the pain is only our subjective feeling. The pain itself has no energy, she can't destroy. Pain is our reaction to external stimulation, which is transformed into an electrical impulse in the form of a signal to the brain. How to respond to this signal — up to us.

Perhaps says further many will find it strange, however, dear reader, do not have to believe everything at once. We share this knowledge, because you have already been through this.
Go you and find your experience.
The history of the famous case in Copenhagen, sentenced to death was blindfolded, said that he will slit my wrists and he would die from loss of blood. On the wrists, which usually check for a pulse, nails scraped his skin and started to brush a trickle of warm water, explaining that the veins opened and the blood flowing. In humans, the perception of scratches and warm water jet gave rise to the idea of bleeding. On this view, man has created an inference that he was dying. Appeared solid knowledge of the inevitability of death, which turned into a persuasion of the inevitability of death. Samobitnost killed him. And the picture of death is fully consistent with death from loss of blood.
This example — the example of the doctor of psychological Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Georgy Nikolayevich Sytin, the author of the Verbal-Figurative, Emotionally-Volitional control the human Condition (saevus).
We used to suffer from pain and it is also one of the bad habits. The saints do not suffer from pain. From those influences, from which ordinary people suffer the pain, experience the joy of the saints.
To learn how not to suffer pain and enjoy it, you need to change the attitude to pain. You need to stop be afraid and stop feeling sorry for yourself or treat yourself brutality when we're hurting.

For this purpose, we offer short affirmation: "I love pain". It must be repeated dozens, hundreds of times when there is any, even the most minor pain.
In fact, any pain is pleasure. Millivolts the internal electrical stress can cause unbearable pain, and the same mV may deliver Paradise pleasure.
When a baby is born, he cries, because it feels completely new, unfamiliar sensations. He doesn't know how to respond to them, and "asks for help" from adults. Over time, some influences from the outside world it will have a positive attitude, others a neutral, third — negative. And then the child from some feelings will enjoy and others to suffer.
The same child after some time tries to take its first steps. He's crying because yet again faced with new sensations: weak leg muscles don't want to keep the relatively heavy body. But after getting approval from the adults and breaking himself, he gets the opportunity to enjoy the walk.
The first sexual act, the girl brings a new feeling related to defloration hymen. Right after going through this experience, she gains the ability to enjoy sex. Otherwise, it is for life could remain frigid.

To all what we encounter for the first time, we initially have neutral relationship, which is really true. However, since childhood instilled in us the habit of "give estimation to everything". Because the contact with the "new" changes our neutral attitude either positive or negative.
When learning the "new," we do not accept, i.e., reject the test of feeling, they are fixed in the memory as unpleasant and give rise to a negative attitude to this new. We have adopted the feeling that is not rejected, remembered as a pleasant and form to the "new" positive attitude.
A second encounter with the same feelings (if we are not going to change their attitude to it) reinforces our new-onset reaction and forms a belief. That's why is so important the first reaction. That's why each new life situation requires careful qualified training, aimed at neutralizing relations, shaped by society.
Thus, all the immense variety of sensations which we experience, is only to two types of reactions "pleasant" and "unpleasant". Pleasant feelings give us pleasure, unpleasant or cause pain. When we are happy, we say "like" when we hate, we say "I don't like".
When we will be able to get rid of both types of reactions (and "unpleasant" and "pleasant") and replace them with a neutral reaction, we are not only freed from pain and suffering, but will experience a higher pleasure (bliss) and will be able to say "I love you".
So, another formula (formula pleasure): "in order to enjoy the pain, it is necessary to love."
Pain is part of us, and if we don't like pain, so we have not yet learned to love yourself.
If we are afraid of pain, so we're afraid of yourself.
If we hate the pain, it means we hate ourselves.
Alexander Omkar. "Treatise on schizophrenia and integrity. Book IV. Psychophysiology of spirituality".published
See also:
Not your people anyway, you will go
A powerful destroyer of family life
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.aum.news/zdorove/910-otnoshenie-k-boli