12 psychological series for lovers of solving people
Multi-part films about psychoanalysts, healers of souls, have become a trend of recent times. Now there are countless series of different genres, from thriller to comedy, where psychoanalysis plays a key role. Here is a list of 13 psychological films.
Necessary Roughness (2011 – 2013)
Necessary Cruelty is a series about the psychologist of the New York Hawks football team. She is becoming famous, and she is already addressed not only by athletes, but also by musicians, politicians, who need her tough, but giving incredible results therapy. Stories with the spiritual experiences of the doctors' wards, based, I must say, on real stories, have created a diverse whole plot, quite worthy of your attention.
In Treatment (2008 – 2010)
If you have a minimum of knowledge in the field of psychology, then this series, consisting almost entirely of scenes in the therapist’s office, is for you. Here you can really learn a lot: get acquainted with the American concept of psychotherapy, learn how to separate work and personal problems, discover amazing chips in yourself and others, from the series - "Ah, so this is how it works!"
Gravity/Gravity (2010)
This is a series about a group of people who tried to kill themselves, but are now trying to live again. In order to help each other, they organize meetings where they share their experiences and problems. Incomprehensibly, such a successful and high-quality series, full of interesting storylines and ironically cynical dialogue, lasted only one season. But it's really worth enjoying.
Web Therapy (2011 – 2015)
Incredibly successful project of beloved Lisa Kudrow about a self-styled psychotherapist who surprised the world with a new method of therapy - three-minute Skype sessions. After all, why listen to the delirium of patients for an hour when you can understand everything in three minutes and send them to all four sides. No behind-the-scenes laughter, music, under-the-belt jokes and other sitcom entourage. Only the format of the reality show and the Skype dialogue between two faces with glued smiles on their faces, which adds to the absurdity of what is happening.
Criminal Minds (2005 - Criminal Minds)
In this series you will find many interesting investigations. It tells the story of the work of a team of the best FBI investigators able to understand, analyze and predict the thinking of the most sophisticated criminals. This is one of those series, all seasons of which can be reviewed in a week without the opportunity to break away.
Next Next post: Tell Me You Love Me (2007)
A drama series about the relationship between men and women. He bribes by the fact that the creators did not exaggerate the events and give out too “cinematic action”, it simply reflects real life. The way it really is, and without the influence of snotty Hollywood melodramas about a happy life. The analysis of these relationships suggests that what is missing for ordinary happiness.
Anger Management / Anger Management (2012 – 2014)
Anger Management is considered one of the most witty and cool sitcoms on American television to date. By the way, this is the highest-rated sitcom in the history of cable TV. The first season of 10 episodes was, frankly, so-so, the creators clearly just rocked, but the second was a real extravaganza of witty jokes and funny situations. Recommended viewing.
Next Next post: Six Feet Under (2001 – 2005)
“Masterpiece!” reads most reviews of the series. Despite the fact that it tells about the ritual business, the conclusions from it can be drawn quite life-affirming. It reveals all aspects of everyday life as they are - contradictory, sad and very often ironic to tears.
Consciousness / Mental (2009)
The plot of this series is in many ways reminiscent of House: a new eccentric doctor uses unusual methods in treatment. He immerses himself in the minds of his patients in order to understand their thoughts and find the shortest way to their recovery. This frightens his colleagues - they consider the innovative therapy strange, capable of changing the usual course of affairs in the hospital.
The Awakening / Awake (2012)
The series is about two realities: in a dream, the hero-detective lives in one world where his wife lives, in the daytime - in another where his son lives. The hero, by the way, who hardly recognizes Draco Malfoy’s father from Harry Potter, will have to disassemble many facts to make sure that the two closest people remain alive. Well, this is a real thriller, expanding the canons of television originality.
Perception / Perception (2012 – 2015)
Mixing Dr. House with Dr. Lightman, adding a pinch of Sherlock Holmes, and splashing half a teaspoon of Gary Oldman’s charisma — and here he is, our hero — a talented but eccentric neuroscientist who has been invited to the FBI to assist in the investigation of the most complex cases. No new ideas, but how interesting!
Masters of Sex / Masters of Sex (2013)
An extraordinary look at science – and it’s about science, albeit rather unusual – makes Masters of Sex exciting. An unflappable and dispassionate doctor is a genius who helps women in relationships. This is a rare case when the picture tells about the frankness of everything, but it does not turn all this into vulgarity and sometimes even noticeably educates the viewer about many issues.
5 Movies That Age Does Not Hinder Anything
How many books on this list have you read?
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: cameralabs.org/10378-12-psikhologicheskikh-serialov-dlya-lyubitelej-razgadyvat-lyudej
Necessary Roughness (2011 – 2013)

Necessary Cruelty is a series about the psychologist of the New York Hawks football team. She is becoming famous, and she is already addressed not only by athletes, but also by musicians, politicians, who need her tough, but giving incredible results therapy. Stories with the spiritual experiences of the doctors' wards, based, I must say, on real stories, have created a diverse whole plot, quite worthy of your attention.
In Treatment (2008 – 2010)

If you have a minimum of knowledge in the field of psychology, then this series, consisting almost entirely of scenes in the therapist’s office, is for you. Here you can really learn a lot: get acquainted with the American concept of psychotherapy, learn how to separate work and personal problems, discover amazing chips in yourself and others, from the series - "Ah, so this is how it works!"
Gravity/Gravity (2010)

This is a series about a group of people who tried to kill themselves, but are now trying to live again. In order to help each other, they organize meetings where they share their experiences and problems. Incomprehensibly, such a successful and high-quality series, full of interesting storylines and ironically cynical dialogue, lasted only one season. But it's really worth enjoying.
Web Therapy (2011 – 2015)

Incredibly successful project of beloved Lisa Kudrow about a self-styled psychotherapist who surprised the world with a new method of therapy - three-minute Skype sessions. After all, why listen to the delirium of patients for an hour when you can understand everything in three minutes and send them to all four sides. No behind-the-scenes laughter, music, under-the-belt jokes and other sitcom entourage. Only the format of the reality show and the Skype dialogue between two faces with glued smiles on their faces, which adds to the absurdity of what is happening.
Criminal Minds (2005 - Criminal Minds)

In this series you will find many interesting investigations. It tells the story of the work of a team of the best FBI investigators able to understand, analyze and predict the thinking of the most sophisticated criminals. This is one of those series, all seasons of which can be reviewed in a week without the opportunity to break away.
Next Next post: Tell Me You Love Me (2007)

A drama series about the relationship between men and women. He bribes by the fact that the creators did not exaggerate the events and give out too “cinematic action”, it simply reflects real life. The way it really is, and without the influence of snotty Hollywood melodramas about a happy life. The analysis of these relationships suggests that what is missing for ordinary happiness.
Anger Management / Anger Management (2012 – 2014)

Anger Management is considered one of the most witty and cool sitcoms on American television to date. By the way, this is the highest-rated sitcom in the history of cable TV. The first season of 10 episodes was, frankly, so-so, the creators clearly just rocked, but the second was a real extravaganza of witty jokes and funny situations. Recommended viewing.
Next Next post: Six Feet Under (2001 – 2005)

“Masterpiece!” reads most reviews of the series. Despite the fact that it tells about the ritual business, the conclusions from it can be drawn quite life-affirming. It reveals all aspects of everyday life as they are - contradictory, sad and very often ironic to tears.
Consciousness / Mental (2009)

The plot of this series is in many ways reminiscent of House: a new eccentric doctor uses unusual methods in treatment. He immerses himself in the minds of his patients in order to understand their thoughts and find the shortest way to their recovery. This frightens his colleagues - they consider the innovative therapy strange, capable of changing the usual course of affairs in the hospital.
The Awakening / Awake (2012)

The series is about two realities: in a dream, the hero-detective lives in one world where his wife lives, in the daytime - in another where his son lives. The hero, by the way, who hardly recognizes Draco Malfoy’s father from Harry Potter, will have to disassemble many facts to make sure that the two closest people remain alive. Well, this is a real thriller, expanding the canons of television originality.
Perception / Perception (2012 – 2015)

Mixing Dr. House with Dr. Lightman, adding a pinch of Sherlock Holmes, and splashing half a teaspoon of Gary Oldman’s charisma — and here he is, our hero — a talented but eccentric neuroscientist who has been invited to the FBI to assist in the investigation of the most complex cases. No new ideas, but how interesting!
Masters of Sex / Masters of Sex (2013)

An extraordinary look at science – and it’s about science, albeit rather unusual – makes Masters of Sex exciting. An unflappable and dispassionate doctor is a genius who helps women in relationships. This is a rare case when the picture tells about the frankness of everything, but it does not turn all this into vulgarity and sometimes even noticeably educates the viewer about many issues.
5 Movies That Age Does Not Hinder Anything
How many books on this list have you read?
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: cameralabs.org/10378-12-psikhologicheskikh-serialov-dlya-lyubitelej-razgadyvat-lyudej