The same Paris through the eyes of different people
Everyone sees what he wants to see is one of the stamps, which quickly want to dismiss. Everyone has heard this phrase hundreds of times — it weighs nothing and doesn't mean anything about after the tenth repetition. Nevertheless, there is always a moment when such banality is very to the point.
For example, in my case this phrase every time POPs up in my mind when I interact with a negative person. You, who always have something to complain about. All the people, in my opinion, it's walking magnets — what do you think, to yourself and attract. Thoughts are material - another stamp, the vindication which I often find in real life.
The theme of today's post is inspired by the many comments and feedback I heard from other people about "what is actually the French, and that's Paris." I write a lot about their personal experience of living in France — every one of my post displays my vision any questions. And as soon as I write about the habits of the French, their way of life and other everyday things based on my own observations, then there are those who say that "actually all not so." I'm used to. But I was still surprised so far, and it's not just Paris, but all through life, is how different ten people can assess the same phenomenon. How differently we perceive the same places, things, and so on.
I long ago came to the conclusion that different in temperament and nature of people living in different Paris. So for me, in principle, there is no discussion on the subject, which is the city. It is different for everyone. Well, when your feelings match up with someone else. But when this happens, it's also okay. Just everyone is different. The only thing I don't like is when the source proves to me that Paris has "nothing to do", or that it's "a cesspool" and so on. I know people who have there are constantly horrible weather, and each year the worst winter. I still can't get enough of the winter in sneakers and long offseason. Although the rainy season this year, I finally finished off the cloak almost began to grow to the skin. Further, I know of those for whom Paris and the locals is anger, aggression and hypocrisy. But for me it's just a city with character like a real person. And I love it as much as a living person, — with all faults. There are those who can talk endlessly about the high price of food, rent, transportation, entrance to Museum-check-in-restaurant — the list goes on, but I have in the article the limitation on the number of characters. In such cases, I just shrug, because I don't think the local prices are unbearably high, very exactly all if you don't have to make ends meet. But it depends not from city financial discomfort can happen anywhere in the world.
In short, it is very difficult (and need not) argue with those who see this city differently. Typically, this is lifted and a vision of the world differently. Why convince someone? Someone like Barcelona, someone in Sydney and someone goes crazy in Lima. That's great. I can only imagine if Paris was well-liked. Here and so full of tourists, so...
On the other hand, there is "wudalianchi" vision of Paris — it is too idealized, which also do not want to break. This is a phase that passes when you go from tourist to local resident and start to notice all the cracks and roughness. The faster will fly out the rose-colored glasses, the better. I'm still very happy that I came to Paris for the first time with zero expectations — I just wanted to see the city, get to know him and feel him. Neither the homeless, nor the smell of urine under the romantic bridges didn't scare me. Once it so happened that the city welcomed me with good weather, and I accepted it with all its features. They have each one of us: someone talking too loudly in public; someone picks his nose or covers his mouth when he yawns/coughs; someone does not know how to wield a knife and fork. And nothing we are all people. So why did the city a huge, old city must be from "Midnight in Paris" woody Allen?
And there's a battle of old-timers and newcomers — when the first beat his breast, proving the second that those yet either never seen or never smelled gunpowder. Newcomers are protected as you can: tell what you saw, heard, tasted... And it all feels like a fight for the heart of a heartless man, because Paris doesn't care who knows it better and who is worse — he favors those who do not require too much from him, and not to those who know the best Baker in your neighborhood.
And it appears that some pay more attention to the sun, and the other to the rain. One more to remember like eating a raspberry tart, sitting on a bench at place des Vosges, and others will not forget the crush in the subway at rush hour. It's how to focus through the lens of a camera at a specific object — all else is blurred and doesn't matter. Also interesting: the Grocery market in the town of Sète, France the Parisian life style: 10 tips Someone loves the color blue and someone in green. Some Paris too fast and hectic, while others are soft and relaxed. In General, those and others are right. Just in my own lens, with its focus. published Author: Olga Citrus
Source: paris.zagranitsa.com/blog/3120/odin-i-tot-zhe-parizh-glazami-raznykh-liudei

For example, in my case this phrase every time POPs up in my mind when I interact with a negative person. You, who always have something to complain about. All the people, in my opinion, it's walking magnets — what do you think, to yourself and attract. Thoughts are material - another stamp, the vindication which I often find in real life.

The theme of today's post is inspired by the many comments and feedback I heard from other people about "what is actually the French, and that's Paris." I write a lot about their personal experience of living in France — every one of my post displays my vision any questions. And as soon as I write about the habits of the French, their way of life and other everyday things based on my own observations, then there are those who say that "actually all not so." I'm used to. But I was still surprised so far, and it's not just Paris, but all through life, is how different ten people can assess the same phenomenon. How differently we perceive the same places, things, and so on.

I long ago came to the conclusion that different in temperament and nature of people living in different Paris. So for me, in principle, there is no discussion on the subject, which is the city. It is different for everyone. Well, when your feelings match up with someone else. But when this happens, it's also okay. Just everyone is different. The only thing I don't like is when the source proves to me that Paris has "nothing to do", or that it's "a cesspool" and so on. I know people who have there are constantly horrible weather, and each year the worst winter. I still can't get enough of the winter in sneakers and long offseason. Although the rainy season this year, I finally finished off the cloak almost began to grow to the skin. Further, I know of those for whom Paris and the locals is anger, aggression and hypocrisy. But for me it's just a city with character like a real person. And I love it as much as a living person, — with all faults. There are those who can talk endlessly about the high price of food, rent, transportation, entrance to Museum-check-in-restaurant — the list goes on, but I have in the article the limitation on the number of characters. In such cases, I just shrug, because I don't think the local prices are unbearably high, very exactly all if you don't have to make ends meet. But it depends not from city financial discomfort can happen anywhere in the world.

In short, it is very difficult (and need not) argue with those who see this city differently. Typically, this is lifted and a vision of the world differently. Why convince someone? Someone like Barcelona, someone in Sydney and someone goes crazy in Lima. That's great. I can only imagine if Paris was well-liked. Here and so full of tourists, so...

On the other hand, there is "wudalianchi" vision of Paris — it is too idealized, which also do not want to break. This is a phase that passes when you go from tourist to local resident and start to notice all the cracks and roughness. The faster will fly out the rose-colored glasses, the better. I'm still very happy that I came to Paris for the first time with zero expectations — I just wanted to see the city, get to know him and feel him. Neither the homeless, nor the smell of urine under the romantic bridges didn't scare me. Once it so happened that the city welcomed me with good weather, and I accepted it with all its features. They have each one of us: someone talking too loudly in public; someone picks his nose or covers his mouth when he yawns/coughs; someone does not know how to wield a knife and fork. And nothing we are all people. So why did the city a huge, old city must be from "Midnight in Paris" woody Allen?

And there's a battle of old-timers and newcomers — when the first beat his breast, proving the second that those yet either never seen or never smelled gunpowder. Newcomers are protected as you can: tell what you saw, heard, tasted... And it all feels like a fight for the heart of a heartless man, because Paris doesn't care who knows it better and who is worse — he favors those who do not require too much from him, and not to those who know the best Baker in your neighborhood.

And it appears that some pay more attention to the sun, and the other to the rain. One more to remember like eating a raspberry tart, sitting on a bench at place des Vosges, and others will not forget the crush in the subway at rush hour. It's how to focus through the lens of a camera at a specific object — all else is blurred and doesn't matter. Also interesting: the Grocery market in the town of Sète, France the Parisian life style: 10 tips Someone loves the color blue and someone in green. Some Paris too fast and hectic, while others are soft and relaxed. In General, those and others are right. Just in my own lens, with its focus. published Author: Olga Citrus
Source: paris.zagranitsa.com/blog/3120/odin-i-tot-zhe-parizh-glazami-raznykh-liudei
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