Here are the 15 Soviet things, which delighted the Italian designer!

These are things each of us remember from childhood: string bag, the car "Zaporozhets", faceted glass and a school uniform... And hardly anyone can evaluate them from the point of view of "beautiful" or "ugly" — but what it was. But if you look from the side? Specialist in industrial design, lecturer at British higher school of design Umberto dzhiraudo told what he thinks about the Soviet design — a native of Italy, was delighted.
The website publishes his reviews about what he saw.
Packaging for yogurt

Photo source: Bigpicture.geekonomics and eco-friendly design.
The bag

"One of the best examples in the field of Soviet design. If you care about environmental issues and environmental pollution, excessive consumption, know that this bag has become a viable solution to some problems many years ago.
The bag seems to me a reasonable part of the system, a form of systematic design, in which products are bought in exactly the quantities in which they are needed, not reserve. They are Packed multiple times and bag can be used repeatedly and continuously to carry the bag compact and does not occupy space. Sure, today's designers need to give this subject most careful attention."
Tear-off calendar

"These calendars were popular in the Western countries. Moreover, they are relevant now. Despite the fact that they spent a lot of paper, these calendars seem nice, as they give the opportunity, taking a leaf physically experience the passage of time."

"The teapot as a kettle, nothing special. Similar was my grandmother."

The "sweetheart package. Simple, economical to manufacture, just two colors and still looks very modern. I would have bought a coffee in a package — it looks much more authentic than all that plastic junk, in which coffee is Packed today."

"The guy on the label looks pretty scary! But if you set aside the jokes, it's funny to me the contrast between the elaborate graphical design of the label and shape of the container. The neck and the cap can be understood that such bottles could be used not only for toilet water, but for anything — storage of household chemicals or cheap alcohol, for example. The bottle is very practical.
On the other hand, it is unclear why in the absence of a competitive market to invest in specific and aggressive layout of packages. Unfortunately, many modern "young entrepreneurs" don't understand the importance of design in Commerce and investing in what makes sense to invest."
Condensed milk

"A true Russian masterpiece. I know many people love this product, including the fact that it can be cooked directly in the Bank.

"In my childhood I had a similar toy, I see almost no difference. Is that an interesting contrast to the American Mickey mouse and inscription in Cyrillic alphabet — that's sweet."
Faceted glass

"Simple and elegant, a regular Cup, symbolizing stability. I hope it doesn't fill with vodka to the brim."
The triangular carton of milk

Triangular milk package — not a Soviet invention. Lines for such packaging in the Soviet Union supplied the Swedish company Tetrapack. In 1943, the laboratory Åkerlund & Rausing began the development of cartons of milk in 1944 Erik Wallenberg, a young assistant, acting as the head of the research laboratory, invented packaging in the form of a tetrahedron formed from a conical piece of paper.
School uniform

"Quite elegant and perfectly reflects the formal hierarchical status. I also wore uniforms when I was in school. However, I should note that today this form would look more on the waitresses, or students, but not students in the school."

"This TV could be in the living room of my grandparents. I remember when I first saw the glass to zoom in on the screen, very surprised."

"A real masterpiece of Soviet design — despite the fact that it was based on a FIAT design. The "Zaporozhets" has unique characteristics — for example, the grille on the bonnet that gives the car some aggression. Never saw "the Cossacks" in life, but I've heard many stories about these machines. In particular, on how they repaired and beautified".

"Amazing design, and I absolutely do not understand why Russians buy Chinese refrigerators and spend their rebranding is breathing new life into old forms."
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