10 books that can be read over the weekend

After a week of working on the weekend so want to relax and read a book. But many of us deterred a large amount of many publications that require a lot of time.
Website together with the Mybook have selected for you 10 works that are read easily and quickly, but leave in the soul an indelible mark.

Ian Maquengo on children the Responsibility for the fate of others is not easy. Judge Fiona may always thought that she's making the right professional decisions. But another case is so difficult that neither the professionalism, nor the rigidity and intransigence not able to help her.

Greg Smolij"Love and whiskey" In the godforsaken town of bath is the suicide of the mayor. The investigation did not find reason to think that the mayor could "help", but the wife decides to conduct its own investigation.

Anna gavalda"I loved her. I loved him" One winter morning a young Parisian named Chloe learns that a beloved husband, Adrian, goes to another. Father-in-law Pierre suddenly decides to take her two little granddaughters in family-run country house, hoping that there they will come around and understand how to live.

John Steinbeck"Of mice and men" way of the cross of the two tramps, traveling about in the great depression the American South and found refuge on the rich farm, where their appearance is destined to become the impetus for a brutal story of love, murder and terrible, ruthless revenge.

Vladimir Nabokov"Mashenka" about the Book "a delightful event," the resurrection of the main character living in Berlin, a Russian emigre, Lev Ganin story of his first love. The novel spans only six days, and quite a few characters.

Neil Gaiman"the Ocean at the end of the road" walking in the farms of Sussex brings him to the home of ancient gods, play to people, and from that moment the fabric of the familiar world torn and turned inside out, and a hole through the merits of inamura — this strange and terrible that they cannot conceive.

Daphne's Demoratic NAT family and I live outside the city. One day, when he decides to meet her daughter from school bus, the sky begins to darken dramatically, but not because of clouds, but because of the Raven, and all the sound drowns out the eerie rustle of their wings. Suddenly, as if by some signal, the birds start attacking people.

Peter Malorosii year Max loses his job and hopes to pay off debts. And suddenly, he inherits uncle's estate in Provence. Max goes there, intending to quickly sell the land. However, the local life has his taste, moreover, now his thoughts is a wayward beauty Fanny.

Mar Gerolimena and Tits Main passion underlying all human addictions and cravings, the desire for happiness. We chase his shadow in any way. This book is about the search and recognition of love, waiting for happiness, which is actually already here and always was here.

Gabriel Garcia Marketplaceto nobody writes a Hero long ago flown the civil war drags in the small town of meager existence. But his story of the little man, single-handedly defending his dignity, becomes a story of overcoming loneliness, the arbitrariness and absurdity that prevails in the world.
To read Photos on the preview jacoblundphoto/depositphotos
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