12 habits that bloody spoil our image

Usually we see ourselves only in a positive light — at the planned photos try, for example, to stand up straight or to stop squinting. But in real life our small bad habits often spoil a first impression.
The website offers a look at 12 common habits that make the way less attractive.

You bite your lip

To squint

Make faces


To wind the hair on the finger


Wringing his hands

Snap your fingers

Comb sores

Pull the hair on the eyebrows

Toss eyebrow

Lower head

Or you can just be yourself, without any bad habits

Photographer Roman Zakharchenko, Model Ksenia Utochkina specifically for the Website
See also
12 ways to understand what you think about the source
Photo project about what we want to see ourselves in the mirror
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/fotoproekt-o-tom-kakimi-my-hotim-videt-sebya-v-zerkale-1238965/
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