30 things you need to learn to 30, in order to understand how this world

desire to learn all about the world around him is inherent in man from childhood. We are constantly looking around answers to questions about various phenomena of our lives.
Revision Website is sharing with you 30 facts about the structure of our world, you need to know before you turn 30 years old.

Adult skeleton consists of bones 206, while in the skeleton of the newborn about 270. During the life of a person extends a distance equal to the Earth's equator 5. In Western Australia, there is now a pink lake.

Scissors and a parachute invented by Leonardo da Vinci. In different corners of the earth people see a different number of colors of the rainbow. For example, the UK they account for 6 in China - 5, in the Arab countries - only 4, and in Russia as much as 7 stars in the universe than grains of sand on the beaches of Earth, and the atoms in a grain of sand more than the stars. Medusa Turritopsis nutricula - the only immortal creature on Earth.

Cats can publish about 100 different sounds. For comparison, a dog - only about 10. Lemon contains more sugar than strawberries. The most productive day of the working week - Tuesday. Apple will void the warranty on your computer, if you smoke near the product.

16. The number of living organisms in a teaspoon of soil more than the entire population of our planet.
17. Do you share your birthday with at least 19 million people in the world.
18. National animal is the unicorn of Scotland.
19. On every continent of the Earth except Antarctica, there is the city of Rome.

North Korea conducts its calendar since 1912 - the date of the birth of Kim Il Sung, who is the founder and eternal president. Every Wednesday at 15:30 a woman look older than their years. Navy Mongolia consists of a single tugboat, which serves seven people, only one of them can swim. Coconut milk is a sterile substance (unless, of course, walnut shell is not damaged) and is used for intravenous injections as a substitute package for intravenous infusion in poor countries.

Age fish can be identified by "annual rings", which are formed on its scales. Man has lived in the past - about 80 milliseconds. This time is needed to our brain to process the information. In 1954, in Bombay rats had multiplied so much that the government began to take the dead rodents in the payment of taxes. At the beginning of the XIX century in the coastal waters of British vodilos so much lobster that fed them in prisons and orphans in institutions, as well as crushed as fertilizer. If you straighten all of the DNA helix of our bodies and put them in a row, their total length is 8 times greater than the distance from Earth to the sun.
See also:
25 short facts about our world
20 absurd facts that really the truth
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/20-absurdnyh-faktov-kotorye-na-samom-dele-chistaya-pravda-1243965/