Matcha Ice Cream. Ice cream Matcha

4-5 servings
Materials on the theme:
Taro 400g (net)
Soy milk 400ml
Sugar 250g
Match 1/2 spoon dining
1. taro set remain resistant container with the skin, through the lap heated at 500W microwave oven (about 4-5 minutes). Cool Once softened, cut into bite-sized peeled.
2. heating put soy milk and sugar in a saucepan, add sugar to Hitonitachi taro After melt.
3. Insert the (2) in a blender and mix until smooth. Green tea is added, further stirring.
4 placed in a vessel (3), frozen for 5 hours. Once hardened cold, finished! Topping cake, glutinous rice, red bean paste, and more in your favorite.