So why this little hole in the airplane

all of us it is necessary somehow to have fun during the trip - whether long or short is our flight. Cruising above the clouds, we can not help catch myself thinking about the universe, about the purpose of our existence and similar sorts of things. And these holes in the ports ... The holes in the body of the aircraft would not want to watch any one of the passengers, but these - not a marriage and not a fault, without them simply can not do
! Let us together with the Website to find out what kind of holes and how they are so useful.

Illustrator Alena Durneva specifically for the Website
Photos on the preview ideaspots.com
Based on materials iflscience.com
See also:
That's why the planes leave in the sky white trail
20 reasons to sit in an airplane at
window via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/20-prichin-sest-v-samolete-u-okna-904260/
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