6 win-win chips with clothes, which will help to throw for at least 5 years
Many of us would not have refused to look younger, say, years 5.
Website offers several working options to help cope with this task. < br>
Adding mischief Forget about the concept of "reliability", which sometimes borders on the stiffness. Age is not a diagnosis. Therefore, we must be bolder in clothes or accessories. In order not to overdo it with mischief, use one brash element in the ensemble. This may be a bright scarf, a skirt or a shirt with a colorful print.
make dynamic striking and moving image makes vest. It is better to give preference to narrow bands, because wide visually make you larger. A dynamic appearance and gives clothes with polka dots.
accents add accessories. Especially effectively looks massive one example jewelery, necklaces, big earrings or bracelet. Let other decorations available, or will be very unobtrusive.
illuminates the face looks brighter The face, the younger and more positive, we are looking at. An effective way to highlight the face - wearing a white collar. Instead, you can use the T-shirt polo.
becomes brighter copes with aging such colors in clothing, as lemon, intense mint, coral. This can be a dress, a skirt or blouse. Styles is best to choose a simple and uncomplicated.
dress up in jeans Perfect jeans that emphasize the dignity and hide flaws - it is a mandatory element of the wardrobe. They are reasonably added childishness and reliably camouflage couple of years.
And a few useful tips Choose a natural material things with flat surface. Various zhatye, wrinkled and quilted fabrics emphasize wrinkles. Especially if you have sewn blouses, jackets, scarves and other wardrobe items that are close to his face. Clothes made of tweed or similar fabric and throws a couple of years. Discard the pair wardrobe items, especially suits jacket + skirt or trousers. The only place where you can wear such clothes, safely - this office. For all other cases, try to trim similar in tone and texture, but not the same thing. Clothes of black, gray, beige and other classic colors should not be much. Maximum of one element in an ensemble, such as a skirt or blouse.
Photos on the preview uwomen, 40am
See also:
6 tricks in clothes that emphasize your ass
10 tricks from professional stylists who make you higher
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/10-tryukov-ot-professionalnyh-stilistov-kotorye-sdelayut-vas-vyshe-1301765/
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