7 ways to dilute their way of metal and look like a million bucks

This season is very fashionable to complement the image of bright metal parts. "Metal" looks great as nails and lips, and the shoes and skirts. For many, difficult to accept this trend: it seems too risky and bold. But, unfortunately, we wondered "metal fashion" thing of the past.
Revision Website feels that we should not fight the urge to try on a beautiful metallic images. In this post we will try to teach you how to organically incorporate fashionable items in your appearance.

"Metal" Shoes! Believe it or not, but the Metallic colors are combined with absolutely everything. We used to use only metal earrings and chains. And very much in vain! Fully "metal" shoes can perfectly complete any onions.
This footwear is best to look at the background of neutral colors. Choose the metal, depending on the skin color. For example, if the skin is very light, it is recommended to use silver. And if the darker, then gold. Such shoes can be combined with a casual style, and with evening dresses.
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Several of the recommendations for the use of metal decoration:.
If you wear a large necklace, earrings is better not to wear, so that the image was not overloaded Brightness accessories perfectly with a dark makeup Do not wear metal accessories with gaudy bright clothes bows with metal clothes

With accessories metallic color "jumped" on clothes. Such orders may seem more risky, but believe me, combined with neutral colors, they make the image bright and unique.
Luke with metal accessories

If you do not like the idea of clothes metallic color, then try to fashion trend, enough to refresh the image of accessories

Lips . If gold or silver seems too risky choice, the pearl lipstick or a classic color with metal shine will look simply divine.
< eyes. «Metal» shade are ideal for an evening out in the light. Metal combined with smoky ice will look much more attractive and cool than the usual make-up.
Manicures and pedicures

To make a stylish manicure or pedicure, do not necessarily use only metallic colors. You can select a French manicure or matt lacquer.
< On your hands metal will look nice and appropriate in conjunction with virtually all styles.
Hair color

Finally, option for the most daring - metal hair color
< Do not be afraid to try!
Photos on the preview: lava360.com, elenavan.nl.eu.org
According to the materials: yoamoloszapatos.com
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