Life requires great courage
Life requires great courage. Cowardly only vegetate, they do not live, because their lives are saturated with fear, and life, in which so many fear worse than death. They live in a kind of paranoia they fear most; and not only the real thing, they fear, too unreal. They are afraid of hell they are afraid of ghosts, they fear God. They are afraid of a thousand and one things they or others are the same as they themselves come up with. Fear builds up so much that it becomes impossible to live.
People are full of fear, make afraid of others to themselves to unwind. They know that now you will not touch them, do not peresechёsh their borders.
Live Only bold. The first thing we must learn - it is to be bold. Despite all the fears, we must begin to live.
Human lives are very limited - in fragments, in wine, in fear. We need a new man, immensely necessary. Pretty: tell the old man "farewell»
. Drop the fear. You purchased it as a child, unconsciously. Now consciously drop it and be mature. And then life can be a light that continues to go on as you grow.
Everything connected with the fear, mature person to be separated from him. It comes maturity. Just check out all of his actions, everything what you believe, and find out what they are based on - on reality and experience or fear. And all of that is based on fear, you should immediately discard without a second's hesitation. This is your armor.
Whatever you do, remember one thing: fear you will not grow, you just get old and die
. The fear is death.