Know-how of the builders: ventilated facades, floating floors and other things that though stand, though fall!
Talent these professionals clearly hold - masons and finishers from God. Beware, there is an increased amount of photos, where the textures obvious problems! < Website shows the know-how of the builders, which very few people come to mind ... and these guys came!
Here is the floating floors
Photo source: Fishki.netAntigribkovye technology with an additional airing
A started for the health ...
When started with the graphics problems in our reality
beats and textures so that it becomes a shame
Excellent ramps
Invisible balconies
polrozetki enough and if you want to only 110 volts 54,285,110
Truboskameyka for those who are not afraid of difficulties 70,198,141
Water cooling for split systems
Protivookonnye system
Stair blockers
< br>
Emergency exit
When an employee hates perfectionists
Dual pen
< br> From the "welcome here"
new kind of plaster - "as is"
remaining tape strengthen ...
Yet two parallel lines intersect
Paving a new generation
Window reverse acting system
via fishki.net/2001845-nou-hau-ot-stroitelej-ventiliruemye-fasady-plavajuwie-poly-i-drugie-fishki.html
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