In this house, the light does not go out: 15 commemorative plaques ordinary people

key to St. Petersburg is its history, the history of living people in it. The memory of them and their connection to the place is preserved in urban legends and - physically - in the plaques on the walls of houses. Reading some of these tablets, you are pleased with the known spatial proximity to you man, names, engraved on the other side plates, now known only to historians, and eventually the ratio of memorable and forgotten names, of course, will change in favor of the latter. Then plaques completely naked their true function - not to remind about the affairs of any particular person, but the existence of the history of the city in general, circumstances will once concentrated in the elected people. Therefore, there is no difference between known and unknown people
Website is the reader a unique project -. Commemorative plaques on the buildings of St. Petersburg
Pr. Bakunin, 15-17 (with a second-hand lane)

Photo source: Bigpicture.ru

9th Sovetskaya 22

University, 18-20, dvor

Rubinstein, 21 (no longer exists) 90,695,512
Kolomna, 9 94,522,490
Pushkinskaya 7 56,727,517
Pisarev 5

7th Krasnoarmeyskaya 19

Gorokhovaya 50

Apraksin lane 9

Flour lane 3

The joint project of Gandhi and groups Dlinavolny (Anna Nazarova)
via bigpicture.ru/?p=517157
15 photos that cartoons heroes - among us
The two went through a terrible park, but before the end got only one reason ... make you laugh!