Ecclesiastical History of the priests, grandmothers and hate
After a long sermon priest asked the congregation whether they are ready to forgive their enemies. About half of them raised their hands. Unhappy with the result, the priest went on to say another 20 minutes, and then repeated his question. At this time, the hand raised about 80% of the parishioners. The priest gave a sermon for another 15 minutes, and then asked if they were willing to forgive their enemies. Tired parishioners responded unanimously and only one elderly lady abstained.
- Mrs. Jones, you are not ready to forgive their enemies
? - I have no enemies, - said the old woman
. - It is amazing! How old are you?
-. Ninety-three
- Mrs. Johnson, please come forward and tell us how a person can live up to 93 years without having a single enemy
. Little sweet old lady slowly came to the center of the temple, turned to the congregation and said:
- It's elementary. I just experienced these bitches.
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