RED CLOVER - use of traditional medicine

Once the do not call it a small herbaceous plant, is ubiquitous in the mid-latitudes of our country: dyatlik, porridge, krasnogolovka ... His correct name - red clover, and today female site JustLady talk about the beneficial properties of this herb, its uses in folk medicine and cosmetology . Red Clover Blossoms in July-August, and it was then that it must be collected for the preparation of medicinal infusions and tinctures. For these purposes, use only flowers that are dried in a dark place (preferably outdoors), trying to prevent them from drying out.
Medicinal properties of red clover were known in ancient China. The great healer Avicenna compared it with ginseng and applied clover juice to heal wounds and Clover tincture prescribed as a diuretic. To enhance the vitality he prepared the following means: and suffered in an earthenware pot over low heat milk with clover buds and give this drink a decoction of patients who have had any serious illness. Essential oils of plants containing ascorbic acid, carotene, biohinon and coenzyme Q10 (accelerates energy metabolism in the tissues) help patients to reduce the rehabilitation period and quickly get back on their feet. For intensive care and post-operative recovery can be used and such decoction: pour 2 tbsp. Spoon red clover cup of boiling water, strain through a strainer or a clean gauze. Take in the morning, at lunch and at bedtime with 100 ml.
Vitamin infusion of red clover. Infusion is an excellent preventive tool against beriberi, it is given a weakened, suffering from anemia and prostration people. 3 tbsp. clover spoon put in a thermos (2 liter), pour boiling water, add a little honey and lemon juice (30-50 ml). Admission: children - in the morning and evening for 50 ml for adults - three times a day for 100 ml
. Tonic infusion of red clover and wild rose. 100 g rosehip mash with a fork and put in a thermos, there too, add 2 tbsp. clover spoon. Pour three cups of boiling water, cover - let configure themselves 8 hours. Take half cups (100 ml) after administration in the morning and evening meals.
Flowers and leaves of this plant are used by herbalists as a source of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, chromium, calcium and B vitamins Red Clover helps to cleanse the body of toxins, and normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, helps in diseases of the gall bladder. Clover is a part of many infants and choleretic fees, raises immunity, regulates metabolism and cholesterol. Red clover in folk medicine is considered a good tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis and angina (coronary heart disease).
Red Clover - tincture from angina. One glass of fresh clover, pour 500 grams of alcohol (medical), put in a dark place for two weeks (from the infusion bottle periodically shake). Take for two months under Art. spoon before eating (three times daily).
Red Clover - tincture from headaches and tinnitus (atherosclerosis). Caution - use only with normal blood pressure! 100 g plants pour a liter of good vodka and insist 10 days, shaking occasionally. Take 20 ml before bedtime. The schedule of treatment: 15 days of acceptance - 10 days holiday - 15 days of reception. After a two-month break, the course can be repeated.
Red clover is used in folk medicine and in various women's diseases. Here are some recipes that can alleviate the condition (prior to treatment you should consult with your doctor!):
At irregular and painful menstruation. 2 tbsp. spoon of red clover (inflorescences), pour boiling water (1 cup), to insist 6-8 hours. Take 100 ml 2-3 days before menstruation.
When inflammation of the appendages. Preparing the broth in a water bath: 2 tbsp. the roots of clover spoon pour 400ml boiling water and then to heat for 30 minutes. Strain and take art. spoon several times a day.
Red clover is used in traditional medicine and as an external anti-inflammatory agent with festering wounds, skin ulcers, boils and scrofula. Prepare a special ointment: clover flowers (100 g), pour heated in a water bath with olive or vegetable oil (200 g), insist 1-1.5 weeks and put the mixture on the affected areas. When hives or irritation well help clover bath: put in a canvas bag two handfuls of grass and secure it under the hot stream from the faucet. Dial bath (water temperature 37-39 ° C) and soak it in 20 minutes. This procedure not only soothe the skin, but cheer up - red clover, to all of its beneficial properties, also is a good antidepressant
. During the summer, while in the fields of flowers, this herb, prepare the next drink: 200 grams of fresh red clover inflorescences pour a liter of water and simmer on low heat for 20 min. Strain the broth, dilute with boiling water to the original volume, add honey to taste and refrigerate. Drink this tasty broth instead of water or juice (you can add tea) - improve your well-being and sleep will be strong and healthy. Do not get sick!
Svetlana Krutova