What is useful clover

Clover is a forage plant that is also widely used in the field of herbal medicine. It has healing properties that help cure many diseases.

Clover is used to treat vision disorders, noise in the ears, with neurosis, depression, headache, mood swings. For treatment, literally everything is used: dried grass, juice from the plant, tincture.

For the preparation of juice use all clover. Cut the flowers of the plant, grind them to the state of mush and press squeeze out the juice.

Next, the juice is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1: 3 so that it can be stored for a long time and the stock is enough for the whole winter. If the treatment takes place during the flowering period of clover, it is better to do without alcohol and take only fresh juice.

It is prepared in the following way: clover flowers are crushed, you can in a blender, then 5 tbsp. l. of cooked herbal mass is poured with a glass of water at room temperature. After 10 minutes, the juice is filtered through the gauze folded in 2-3 layers.


No matter what juice (fresh or canned) is treated, it should last no more than two months. For example, for the prevention of atherosclerosis, 1-2 tbsp of concentrated undiluted juice should be taken daily for 60 days.


Clover juice helps with colds, normalizes the temperature, softens the cough, cleanses the airways. With bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia, he is an excellent assistant. In particularly severe cases, you can take 1 tbsp. l. clover juice up to 7 times a day.


Clover juice can be especially useful for women. It has a beneficial effect on those who experience pain during menstruation, has uterine bleeding, anemia and enters the period of menopause.

Women should take 5 tbsp of juice per day for 1 month. Any treatment with clover, both female and respiratory diseases and other diseases should be combined with treatment with other drugs.


Clover juice is a natural remedy that activates the protective functions of the body, strengthens immunity, produces intoxication. But clover is not a cure-all. To achieve a complete cure, you need to approach comprehensively and also use medications.

Elderly people should take clover juice for 1 tsp. 5 times a day 10 minutes before meals for a month. It will help strengthen the heart muscle, reduce swelling of the legs, the consequences of varicose veins, polyarthritis, rheumatism.

Few people know that this herbal remedy will be useful for such specific ailments as allergic dermatosis, hay fever, Quincke edema, poisoning with mushrooms, heavy metal salts, gases.

A separate place is occupied by the use of clover juice in cancer, with the exception of estragen-dependent forms. Along with the juices of plantain, air, celandine, St. John's wort, yarrow, elderberry, anchors and sophora, clover juice is recommended to be taken to alleviate the condition of the cancer patient.


Like any other, this tool has some contraindications. It is necessary to stop taking clover preparations with pain in the stomach and diarrhea, it is undesirable to drink it with a tendency to heart disease. clover grass It is also prohibited for pregnant women.


Clover increases acidity, so people with gastritis and ulcers should be treated with special care.

Read more about the wonderful properties of this and other plants in our useful articles. Follow the links.


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