People who are crying in the movies, more of those who are holding back emotions

Sometimes movies are so touching that can barely hold back the tears. But some people are trying to hold back the emotions, and their faces it is unclear what kind of feelings they are experiencing. And so there is an opinion: since man can cry because of the film, it is unlikely he is strong emotionally. It turned out that quite the opposite.
Some studies show that at least 92% of the people are moved to tears while watching the dramatic scenes. Not so little, you agree? According to other studies, such scenes allow us to feel in the shoes of the hero, which helps to develop empathy for others. < A empathy only makes us better and stronger.
When we share the experience of movie characters, we become more open and understanding in life. This is due to the work of our brain:. During emotional scenes, our body produces oxytocin - the hormone that causes attachment and favorable location to people, and that makes us more empathetic
That's why if you go to the movies should not be ashamed of a good laugh or a good cry should be -. it will only benefit the body Manifesting own emotions, we learn how to manage them and become stronger. And, of course, they should not be shy.
via fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/which-movies-make-grown-men-cry/
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