15 products that do not give the dog

Dog owners believe their pets are not just pets and family members. And often they are fed, respectively, that is, all those that eat themselves. However, dogs are not suitable for all products of the human diet. Some may even cause significant harm to the pet's health.
< Website has studied the recommendations of veterinarians and dog breeders and made a list of products that can be given to dogs and who should be excluded.

Chocolate contains an element such as theobromine, adversely affecting the health of the dog. From it disrupted the blood circulatory system, may begin diarrhea. Besides chocolate a lot of sugar. It is better to give a pet banana, apple or dried fruit, which he would eat with no less pleasure.

The body of the dog practically assimilates glucose, so eating sweet leads to a number of negative consequences: disturbance of bowel function, allergies, tooth decay, problems with the eyes. If a dog begging walk, instead of sweets, you can give a few slices of apple.

Grapes contain poorly known toxin that adversely affects the dog's kidneys. But it is quite possible to give other berries, both fresh and dried form.

Mushrooms may contain dangerous toxins that affect the animal's body and cause shock. In some cases, the use of mushrooms can result in death. Better instead to treat your pet green peas. However, like other legumes, it is necessary to give in small amounts - as a treat

Dogs should not be given food with mayonnaise, even if they are asked. The mayonnaise contains a lot of additives, including mustard, vinegar, preservatives that have a negative impact on animal health. It is better to give a boiled egg, crumbled and added to the main power supply.

Fish is useful not only for people, but for dogs, and will be a great addition to the basic diet. But it is not recommended to feed the animal grilled fish. The safest options - it is boiled or promorozhennaya fish without viscera and head. In this treatment, die dangerous parasites, but retained most of the necessary nutrients.

Onions and garlic irritate the gastrointestinal tract and the dog might have a negative impact on her sense of smell. In addition, these products contain toxic substances for dogs, which may lead to severe poisoning and death. It is better to replace the onion and garlic carrots, which, in addition it contains a lot of vitamins, an excellent "toothbrush" for dogs.

Most dogs like avocado, if it tried. However, in the fruit of this plant contain toxic to dogs Piersyn causing vomiting and diarrhea. It is better to offer no less nutritious animal pumpkin or zucchini.

Some dog owners believe that small amounts of alcohol does not hurt their pets and treat them to a beer or a strong drink. However, despite the fact that many dogs like to drink, drink it is strictly forbidden, because it is toxic to animals. In addition to water pet can be given a small amount of apple juice.

Cow's milk contains lactose, which is very bad recycles the body of an adult dog. It is best to drink water dog. If a pet is like milk, but it is poorly absorbed by the body, you can try to replace it with a goat or a cow, but highly diluted with water.

Baking often contains sugar and other additives which are desirable to use dogs, e.g. raisins. Certain Hazardous dough is yeast that causes fermentation in the gut. It is better to replace the dangerous product fruity treat.

Most nuts, especially walnuts, causing indigestion in dogs. They are poorly digested and may even lead to serious poisoning. As goodies perfect peanuts, which, though called peanuts, actually belongs to the legume family. If the dog is not allergic, can be given unsalted peanut butter, but no more than 1 hour. L. per day.

Citrus can cause vomiting and diarrhea. But the greens, on the contrary, helps the digestive system. In addition, mint and parsley are ideal to eliminate the unpleasant smell from the dog's mouth.

Cheese for the dog of the body - too greasy and too salty product. Regular consumption of cheese leads to violations of the liver and pancreas. Single use of large amounts of cheese may cause diarrhea. Valuable it is the replacement of low-fat cottage cheese.

Salt in large quantities is harmful to dogs, and almost do not need them. But flax seeds and flax seed oil helps to normalize the work of all bodies, if you add these foods in your daily diet.
Preview: Sunny Forest / Shutterstock / Iurii Kachkovskyi / Shutterstock
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