This zoo is the opposite: people in a cage, the animals on the loose
Since going to the zoo for many of us relate some of the most memorable childhood memories. Revision Website is not an exception. Luxury birds, herbivores charming and formidable predators, which we have only recently seen on the TV screen, appear before us in all its glory. However, some people just enough to observe the animals from a safe distance.
Thus, in the Chilean city of Rancagua working first in Latin America, Safari Lion Zoo Zoo, where animals do not sit, and by visitors to the cells. The idea of this kind of attraction lies in the fact that people can see the animals in their natural habitat.
All those wishing an opportunity to get closer to the lions as close as possible and explore the area on a bus from solid steel lattice - in fact, the only obstacle separating spectators from the prying animals
To attract the attention of wild cats can only fresh meat which visitors should bring along. Feeling alluring smell, predators do not hesitate to jump on buses cells, and walk in them with interest the people.
Feed the animals through the grate is forbidden, and even take pictures and touch is not forbidden. But this occupation only for the fearless, because the pets feel completely free and totally unpredictable behavior in Safari Lion Zoo. It must not be forgotten for a moment.
Photos on the preview: AFP PHOTO / MARTIN BERNETTI / EAST NEWS
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