Secrets of the iPhone use, which will prolong his life several times!
These errors allow almost all users! Do not have time to get enough purchase as iPhone breaks down and dies. And no one is usually in itself does not blame ...
Try to avoid these bad habits to use technology, and the smartphone will impress you. iPhone will work fine and will last much longer!
How to use iPhone If you do not switch off the phone almost never begins to do so. < Battery iPhone is not designed for such severe stress and quickly breaks down. Turn off your smartphone at night at least once a week you need to! Wi-Fi and Bluetooth should be turned off if you are currently not using these modules. This simple action will save battery power and keep modules active for a long time.
Do not leave equipment in the scorching sun. On the street in the dead of winter, rain and snow forget that you have a smartphone! Come in a dry room, warm it and there already use on health. Disconnect the iPhone from the charger when the battery is fully charged. Do not leave your smartphone charged overnight, it this does not by itself. Do not wait until the battery is completely discharged before you charge the phone. Modern technology does not require any such tricks! Best Mode for Smartphone - 50-80% charge. Use the original charger always. Forgery may damage the phone and battery.
Do not forget to clean your smartphone screen and a connector for charging. If the device is dirty, the risk of poor performance and damage is too great. Use a lint-free cloth for cleaning and toothpicks to help clean the connectors perfectly.
This is obvious, but remember: do not hold the iPhone in their hands, when in a hurry, and when there is a real threat to its soil or drop. Be sure to use a password. If your smartphone gets into the wrong hands, password protect all your data, including those needed for internet banking.
Disables geolocation in all applications, but the most important, such as Uber
We believe that you will be careful to use his technique. The man appreciates only what is lost. In order not to be upset by unexpected failure, do everything possible to this did not happen.
Friends will also be interested to know this information, tell them how to use a smartphone correctly!
Try to avoid these bad habits to use technology, and the smartphone will impress you. iPhone will work fine and will last much longer!
How to use iPhone If you do not switch off the phone almost never begins to do so. < Battery iPhone is not designed for such severe stress and quickly breaks down. Turn off your smartphone at night at least once a week you need to! Wi-Fi and Bluetooth should be turned off if you are currently not using these modules. This simple action will save battery power and keep modules active for a long time.

Do not leave equipment in the scorching sun. On the street in the dead of winter, rain and snow forget that you have a smartphone! Come in a dry room, warm it and there already use on health. Disconnect the iPhone from the charger when the battery is fully charged. Do not leave your smartphone charged overnight, it this does not by itself. Do not wait until the battery is completely discharged before you charge the phone. Modern technology does not require any such tricks! Best Mode for Smartphone - 50-80% charge. Use the original charger always. Forgery may damage the phone and battery.

Do not forget to clean your smartphone screen and a connector for charging. If the device is dirty, the risk of poor performance and damage is too great. Use a lint-free cloth for cleaning and toothpicks to help clean the connectors perfectly.

This is obvious, but remember: do not hold the iPhone in their hands, when in a hurry, and when there is a real threat to its soil or drop. Be sure to use a password. If your smartphone gets into the wrong hands, password protect all your data, including those needed for internet banking.

Disables geolocation in all applications, but the most important, such as Uber
We believe that you will be careful to use his technique. The man appreciates only what is lost. In order not to be upset by unexpected failure, do everything possible to this did not happen.
Friends will also be interested to know this information, tell them how to use a smartphone correctly!
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