15 photos, showing that the Victorian era was much more fun than we thought

If you've ever seen pictures of the Victorian era, you've probably noticed that they are no smiles. All look so serious that it seems that people in the 1800s did not know how to have fun! But these rare photos show that this is not true. There are many speculations why the Victorians posing with such stern faces. To take a picture, it was required to withstand the exposure for a few hours. Of course, smiled a few hours, it would be very difficult, so people just sit with a stiff expression.
According to another theory, the Victorians did not smile, embarrassed by their bad teeth. Well, let's not discount the general rudeness of that distant era. People were far less subtle and perhaps they just did not occur to capture the smile on his memory.
< Website publishes a selection of wonderful pictures, which show the real merry that era!
Pair of Victorian era, which is struggling to not to laugh during the shoot, 1890 e

Photo source: Bored PandaOriginalnaya supply


Snow Queen, 189,215,169,395
unusual! portrait of a lady of the Victorian era, 1840

strange family fotografiya

Three young men who have decided to change into women 1883

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Tsar Nicholas II, who 1899

Vintage yumor

Mumps Peppa

Men and women, to change clothes, 1880-1890

love it and love the Victorian era! 87,153,275
Free polet

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Recreation at morya

Richard von Krafft-Ebin

via www.boredpanda.com/funny-victorian-era-photos-silly-vintage-photography/
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