Why is the "end of the world" was appointed December 21, 2012
We were getting closer and closer to approaching the magical date of 21.12.2012. From the media, we know that it was on this date ends with the calendar of the ancient Maya ... as well as the calendars of the Aztecs, Toltecs, the Inca Indians of Zulu, Indian, Cherokee Indians, the ancient Sumerians, the indigenous people of New Zealand Maori, as well as the Hopi ...
The first thing that surprises is the identity of the peoples of ancient calendars, because at that time they could not interfere with each other and share their knowledge. The second is that this calendar best corresponds with the astronomical year, than the modern Gregorian calendar! Just surprised the very existence of primitive, from our point of view, the peoples of the perfect calendar, as for the creation of such calendar data needed tens of thousands of years of astronomical observations. However, the fact remains that we have a lot of calendars ending on the date 21.12.2012. Almost everyone knows about the "doomsday" in 2012, but few people know why this day it should happen? Let's look at more detail, why still 21.12.2012?
To begin with, the term "end of the world", this is not what they had in mind the Maya and other ancient civilizations. At least in their writings there is no word about the "end of the world." In the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012 accounts for the end of the current baktun (the cycle in 5125 years or thirteen times in one hundred forty-four thousand days) and the beginning of a new one. On this day, God is change, change, and a patron of dates come to take part in the creation of a new era - the era of the Fifth. Creation implies a shift from thinking "Self comes to the body," to thinking "I have served you, and you serve me," just replaced with the era of "I believe" in the era of "I know". Mayan priests associated with the end of Baktun radical renewal of the universe, rather than the "end of the world" and called Inca 2012 date "meeting with yourself." Apparently, the term "end of the world" appeared thanks to the Indian priests, who claimed that at the end of each of the cycles of dying civilization lived in it. After all, legend has gone into oblivion civilization of Hyperborea, Lemuria, and Atlantis. And the culprits become disasters and global scene, destroy whole continents.
But what does the fifth era? Coglasno astronomical data in the cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes, the Earth there is another very slow swing axis, which occupies almost 26 thousand years. And this cycle is directly related to the Vedas and the Maya calendar, as well as with certain events and over time, the manifestation of these events on the planet.
The right side of the oval is called apogee, this part is closer to the center of our galaxy. The lower part of the oval shows when a planet goes to the center of the galaxy, and the upper part of the show as the planet moves away from the center of the galaxy. Just Sanskrit scriptures say that great changes are taking place not in the most distant points, and some time after their passing.
More details on this process is described in the Vedas and their chronologies of time. According to the Vedas the whole universe evolves in cycles and anything has its own cycle. Our planet Earth and its population is no exception, they are living, changing and evolving in cycles. In the Vedas, the life cycle of the universe and the earth is called the Great Yuga (era), which in turn consists of 4 South (periods). First Age - CRETE (Sathya) - The Golden Age, the Second Age - the third - the Silver Age, Third Age Dvapara - Copper Age and the fourth epoch, the end of which we are now approaching, the age of Kali - the Iron Age.
Let's look at the description of Sanskrit era that came to an end. Humanity is in it since 3000 BC to 1900 AD So - Iron Age:
This is the dark age. By virtue it is only a quarter, and even that is rapidly decreasing. In the Age of Kali is dominated by three-quarters of lawlessness, people live to a maximum of 100 years and are characterized by the most terrible and disgusting qualities. There comes a general economic and spiritual degradation. From former piety and spiritual culture remains only one quarter, and by the end of the Age of Kali even completely destroyed. Wilt courage, intelligence, strength and spiritual power. In the end, almost all the people are false. Observed a semblance of service, virtues and vows. Priests depart from the vows that you have to eat, they do not worship. This is the century of wars, injustice, age delusions, disease and fear. Lords of people also do not comply with what they should be. Their life becomes fleeting, brilliance and greatness melt falls dignity, and rarely sound truthful speech.
Is not it very similar to the time in which we live!
But now everything points to the fact that we live in a time of incredible change. And now we have 104 years are in the Age of Dwapara ie in the Copper Age. It is easy to see, if you look at our history, we'll see unaided eye, that for the last 100 years, mankind has achieved such success in its development, which are not sought in the previous 5,000 years combined!
Currently, the community of researchers of the phenomenon of 21.12.2012 divided into several groups that have different views on what should happen in December 2012. Someone thinks that will be the end of the world, someone is sure that this date is assigned a hoax of a world government under the name of Blue Beam, someone thinks that in this day nothing will, there is a group of people who We believe that on this day the Earth will turn into a star. However, check all guesswork until the date itself is not possible. As they say - we wait and see. Moreover, the wait is not long!
The first thing that surprises is the identity of the peoples of ancient calendars, because at that time they could not interfere with each other and share their knowledge. The second is that this calendar best corresponds with the astronomical year, than the modern Gregorian calendar! Just surprised the very existence of primitive, from our point of view, the peoples of the perfect calendar, as for the creation of such calendar data needed tens of thousands of years of astronomical observations. However, the fact remains that we have a lot of calendars ending on the date 21.12.2012. Almost everyone knows about the "doomsday" in 2012, but few people know why this day it should happen? Let's look at more detail, why still 21.12.2012?
To begin with, the term "end of the world", this is not what they had in mind the Maya and other ancient civilizations. At least in their writings there is no word about the "end of the world." In the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012 accounts for the end of the current baktun (the cycle in 5125 years or thirteen times in one hundred forty-four thousand days) and the beginning of a new one. On this day, God is change, change, and a patron of dates come to take part in the creation of a new era - the era of the Fifth. Creation implies a shift from thinking "Self comes to the body," to thinking "I have served you, and you serve me," just replaced with the era of "I believe" in the era of "I know". Mayan priests associated with the end of Baktun radical renewal of the universe, rather than the "end of the world" and called Inca 2012 date "meeting with yourself." Apparently, the term "end of the world" appeared thanks to the Indian priests, who claimed that at the end of each of the cycles of dying civilization lived in it. After all, legend has gone into oblivion civilization of Hyperborea, Lemuria, and Atlantis. And the culprits become disasters and global scene, destroy whole continents.
But what does the fifth era? Coglasno astronomical data in the cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes, the Earth there is another very slow swing axis, which occupies almost 26 thousand years. And this cycle is directly related to the Vedas and the Maya calendar, as well as with certain events and over time, the manifestation of these events on the planet.

The right side of the oval is called apogee, this part is closer to the center of our galaxy. The lower part of the oval shows when a planet goes to the center of the galaxy, and the upper part of the show as the planet moves away from the center of the galaxy. Just Sanskrit scriptures say that great changes are taking place not in the most distant points, and some time after their passing.
More details on this process is described in the Vedas and their chronologies of time. According to the Vedas the whole universe evolves in cycles and anything has its own cycle. Our planet Earth and its population is no exception, they are living, changing and evolving in cycles. In the Vedas, the life cycle of the universe and the earth is called the Great Yuga (era), which in turn consists of 4 South (periods). First Age - CRETE (Sathya) - The Golden Age, the Second Age - the third - the Silver Age, Third Age Dvapara - Copper Age and the fourth epoch, the end of which we are now approaching, the age of Kali - the Iron Age.
Let's look at the description of Sanskrit era that came to an end. Humanity is in it since 3000 BC to 1900 AD So - Iron Age:
This is the dark age. By virtue it is only a quarter, and even that is rapidly decreasing. In the Age of Kali is dominated by three-quarters of lawlessness, people live to a maximum of 100 years and are characterized by the most terrible and disgusting qualities. There comes a general economic and spiritual degradation. From former piety and spiritual culture remains only one quarter, and by the end of the Age of Kali even completely destroyed. Wilt courage, intelligence, strength and spiritual power. In the end, almost all the people are false. Observed a semblance of service, virtues and vows. Priests depart from the vows that you have to eat, they do not worship. This is the century of wars, injustice, age delusions, disease and fear. Lords of people also do not comply with what they should be. Their life becomes fleeting, brilliance and greatness melt falls dignity, and rarely sound truthful speech.
Is not it very similar to the time in which we live!
But now everything points to the fact that we live in a time of incredible change. And now we have 104 years are in the Age of Dwapara ie in the Copper Age. It is easy to see, if you look at our history, we'll see unaided eye, that for the last 100 years, mankind has achieved such success in its development, which are not sought in the previous 5,000 years combined!
Currently, the community of researchers of the phenomenon of 21.12.2012 divided into several groups that have different views on what should happen in December 2012. Someone thinks that will be the end of the world, someone is sure that this date is assigned a hoax of a world government under the name of Blue Beam, someone thinks that in this day nothing will, there is a group of people who We believe that on this day the Earth will turn into a star. However, check all guesswork until the date itself is not possible. As they say - we wait and see. Moreover, the wait is not long!