20 hilarious photos of dogs who know how to relax!

These dogs know that the owner likes to relax in the evening on the couch. And what are they worse? Who was the first time to take the couch, he will relax! < Website shows all examples of complete relaxation in a dog.
Hey, somebody get me on the couch!

No, well, the TV, of course, well seen, but something much leg ustayut

Hmm, somehow strange here pahnet

I think I did something wrong tak

Why I can not see anything other than sex?

there is something delicious? Now poischem

Perhaps it is more convenient to watch TV while lying on the couch and not under divanom

think I zastryal

could you expand me? I can not poshevelitsya

A try-ka upside down! Oh, no, because even worse!

How should stay here at all, I do not understand?

Please, please do not bespokoit

Thank you put this table here. Very udobno

So why am I upside down, and as my foot hit my mouth? 19,340,330
Get me out of here! Sofa sucks menya

Hmm, people do something like that. I think it's not very udobno

who did not take place, to have stoyat

Something begins to spin pobalivat

< br>
Why are you laughing? Is not this great new toy for me?

Yoga helps me always excellent rasslabitsya

seems this sofa is becoming less and menshe

What are you talking about there? I am too lazy to listen ...

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