15 sparkling jokes with a British accent

Aristocratic British humor is a sign of subtle mind. To some it may seem peculiar and complicated, but it does not deprive him of the unique charm.

< Website gathered 15 great British jokes, after which you are precisely like apt humorous prim British.

  • Recently, a new batch of people who hate people. However, they organize the FIG. How should this happen?
    - People who hate people, unite
    ! - And there will be people
    ? - Will
    . - Do not, then I can not


    • I love jokes. I often kidding kids on holidays. For example, last year I was all built in the corridor, he went out, closed the door and did not come back.
      • The women are so kind that would indicate that you do, to the end your days.

        • - I agree. Hope was created in order to prevent us to accept the reality.
          - You say it to seem smarter
          . - I know. You also should try
          • The sad reality:. I spent 7 years in the best Russian Medical University, studying how to treat any human bodies, but not the heart. I'm talking about the heartache, of course - in cardiology at me five


            • - At the door stands a man with a mustache
              . - Tell him that I already have
              • I remember when I was a child, in the phone book was someone named "Mr. Bastard.". And we called him and said, "Hey, Dave, you can, please?" He said: "There is no one by the name of Dave." And we: "Oh, must have been some other bastard ...ยป

                • The British were at least an inch taller than they were 20 years ago. And all because 20 years ago we were all children
                  • -. It seems to me, inhaling the smoke into the lungs kills
                    . - My doctors told me that it helps to relax the throat
                    . - They're idiots
                    . - They knighted
                    . -. Then idiots officially

                    • This room is charming. There was much darker when my mother in law lived here. However, she was not a bright man.

                      According to the materials: British humor

                      via vk.com/british_prikol


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