15 pictures, after which you fall in love with Pallas' cats!

Thick and beautiful - it's about Pallas cat. Predator with unkind eyes and gorgeous hair, totally unfriendly and absolutely charming captured the hearts of all you'll ever need a couple of years ago. < Website want to acquaint readers with Manuli. I am sure - you love them with all my heart

Pallas' cat inhabits the steppe and semi-desert areas of the Near, Middle and Central Asia and southern Siberia, mainly in the regions is quite deserted. The secretive and cautious Manuli uncomfortable close to people when its habitat area plowed under farmland, small rodents, form the basis of ration Man'ula becomes smaller. However, grazing may even improve the lives of Pallas' cats, rodents, since the same are more accessible and the number of their livestock near the sites longer.

Manuli not tamed, even having lived many years next to the man, do not go with them on contact. And if someone invades personal space Pallas cat, predator, usually non-aggressive, can be very dangerous. Canines it is almost three times longer than conventional cat!

Despite the reputation of animal surly and unsociable - and perhaps because of it - Pallas 'cat is still the darling of the Internet audience: create a community of fans of Pallas' cats, formed fan clubs. It is hoped that a general manulomaniya could save from extinction these amazing wild cats.

via www.nat-geo.ru/nature/35226-manul-stepnoy-otshelnik/
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