Suddenly, suddenly - manul!
Until recently it was believed that in Khakassia wild cat manul not. However, recent pictures from camera traps have convinced scientists in reverse. Now they are going to find a rare beast.
Pallas' cat in Khakassia found quite by accident. Experts studied the pictures of snow leopards from camera traps. For the owner of the Sayan Mountains - leopard - reserves in southern Siberia observed a few years, but suddenly saw something quite unlike him. The small size of a cat, very fluffy, with short legs and a thick tail. It seemed incredible that this manul.
Over the last decade it has been virtually destroyed. The area looks like an animal isolated foci. Khakassia is not among them. And suddenly - such a sensation! After some time in the "photo shoot" participated two cats.
However, witness the Pallas's cat, and even just to attack his trail - it is very difficult, said biologist Sergey Istomov:
-This Is a phantom, it is, of course, the miracle of miracles. As he can not leave his footprints of life? It is amazing! You think, well, you do not fly! He had never come to the snow, will stand to look out for. Almost waiting for it to melt, and then only to come - but would not leave a trace. Or waiting will ibex, and follows in the footsteps of their claw. Besides, it's so fattening for the winter, become lazy, that up to two weeks may simply lie.
Manuli serve as a refuge crevices of rocks, holes, hollow fallen trees. He runs it badly, it can not withstand the chase. Unlike the leopard had this wild cat a lot of enemies. For example, the wolf does not cost anything to crush the Pallas's cat, as well as a large dog. There are food competitors - fox, wolverine, marten, who, like Pallas' cat, feed on rodents and birds. This predator generally prefers "not shine" - by sandy-brown almost merges with the landscape.
Appearance and behavior allow it to remain invisible to enemies and prey - her manul is not intended, and conceals from the ambush. The expedition members also decided to make a kind of ambush, to "live bait" to lure the cat, said the director of the reserve, Victor Nepomnyashchii Khakassky:
-For This on its habitat the complex of biotechnical measures. What it is? We first conduct the bait of small mammals that feed on manul. And when the food supply is concentrated, the beast at this place drew attention and often appears here. Accordingly, it falls into the lens of camera traps.
In addition, the Pallas' cats are going to wear collars. Not satellite, as snow leopards and radio collars to determine habitat of the animal. If everything is successful, scientists will receive invaluable information about this beast. So far, about Pallas Cat little is known. And to see him alive at all is almost impossible. Even in bad zoos Man'ula take root, as the offspring often die from infections. In addition, these cats are nocturnal and sleep during the day, getting out of their shelters when the zoo is closed and the visitors leave.
Recently manul became the hero of the blogosphere: discuss it, they want to buy as a pet. Biologists do not advise: Pallas cat can not tame this wild beast. If we take care of it, you help preserve nature. According to scientists, in the area of Sayan mountains of rare cat does not exceed two or three dozen.
According to the materials ruvr.ru
Pallas' cat in Khakassia found quite by accident. Experts studied the pictures of snow leopards from camera traps. For the owner of the Sayan Mountains - leopard - reserves in southern Siberia observed a few years, but suddenly saw something quite unlike him. The small size of a cat, very fluffy, with short legs and a thick tail. It seemed incredible that this manul.
Over the last decade it has been virtually destroyed. The area looks like an animal isolated foci. Khakassia is not among them. And suddenly - such a sensation! After some time in the "photo shoot" participated two cats.

However, witness the Pallas's cat, and even just to attack his trail - it is very difficult, said biologist Sergey Istomov:
-This Is a phantom, it is, of course, the miracle of miracles. As he can not leave his footprints of life? It is amazing! You think, well, you do not fly! He had never come to the snow, will stand to look out for. Almost waiting for it to melt, and then only to come - but would not leave a trace. Or waiting will ibex, and follows in the footsteps of their claw. Besides, it's so fattening for the winter, become lazy, that up to two weeks may simply lie.
Manuli serve as a refuge crevices of rocks, holes, hollow fallen trees. He runs it badly, it can not withstand the chase. Unlike the leopard had this wild cat a lot of enemies. For example, the wolf does not cost anything to crush the Pallas's cat, as well as a large dog. There are food competitors - fox, wolverine, marten, who, like Pallas' cat, feed on rodents and birds. This predator generally prefers "not shine" - by sandy-brown almost merges with the landscape.
Appearance and behavior allow it to remain invisible to enemies and prey - her manul is not intended, and conceals from the ambush. The expedition members also decided to make a kind of ambush, to "live bait" to lure the cat, said the director of the reserve, Victor Nepomnyashchii Khakassky:
-For This on its habitat the complex of biotechnical measures. What it is? We first conduct the bait of small mammals that feed on manul. And when the food supply is concentrated, the beast at this place drew attention and often appears here. Accordingly, it falls into the lens of camera traps.
In addition, the Pallas' cats are going to wear collars. Not satellite, as snow leopards and radio collars to determine habitat of the animal. If everything is successful, scientists will receive invaluable information about this beast. So far, about Pallas Cat little is known. And to see him alive at all is almost impossible. Even in bad zoos Man'ula take root, as the offspring often die from infections. In addition, these cats are nocturnal and sleep during the day, getting out of their shelters when the zoo is closed and the visitors leave.
Recently manul became the hero of the blogosphere: discuss it, they want to buy as a pet. Biologists do not advise: Pallas cat can not tame this wild beast. If we take care of it, you help preserve nature. According to scientists, in the area of Sayan mountains of rare cat does not exceed two or three dozen.
According to the materials ruvr.ru
