Mr. gloom
Recently, Internet users have cooled slightly to the photos of cute seals, giving their preference Grumpy Cat - an animal with an unusually sullen expression of a muzzle. However, mistress seems to have to make room on Olympus - Zurich zoo cat was found not only more vicious kind, but also the corresponding haraktera.
This whimsical cat who lives at the zoo in Zurich, is often ignored by visitors who willingly watched more exotic creatures such as lions and tigers. However, her shrewish reputation today has made the business - from visitors in the cage with the animals no rebound.
Animal called "Pallas cat", also called Manuli, is a small wild cat that lives in the grasslands and steppes of Central Asia. Pallas' cats size is comparable to the size of house cats, unless they are, nevertheless, a little chunky their domesticated cousins. They are characterized by short legs and flat snout and long dense fur.
Source: mirfactov.com/