Construction industry body
Not to say in an interview with a professional pitching - they use steroids or growth hormone. Absolutely everything. And after almost a hundred years ago there was no concept of steroids, at least in the sports industry and the athletes had to rely only on their own genetics and perseverance. Let's see how the industry has evolved bodybuilding since 1905 and the present day, and how the development of bodybuilding bodybuilders change shape. Mr. Murray, the winner of the competition in bodybuilding them. Sandow («Sandow bodybuilding competition») about 1905
For the overall development: Eugen Sandow (born Friedrich Wilhelm Müller) - an outstanding athlete of the XIX century, is considered the founder of modern bodybuilding. It was his way represents the statuette, which honors winner in the biggest competition of bodybuilding "Mr. Olympia».
Mr. Eggleton, a follower of the school Sandow, 1905
German athlete engaged in the Berlin stadium, 1935
World heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis, biceps admires Charlie Atlas (Charles Atlas), which schitalsmya at that time the most inflated person in the world 1938
Heavy lifting, 1940
Lyuber Hans (Hans Luber) trains in the gym, 1940
James Lawrie (James Lawrie), a contender for the title of Mr. Universe, 1951
Bodybuilder Robert Leo (Leo Robert), Mr. Universe title holder, napryagaetmyshtsy looking at his reflection in the mirror a large gymnasium, 1955
Jack Delinger, the former "Mr. America & quot; straining the muscles in front of Mrs. Sheila Saunders Clapham, 1956
Applicants for the title of "Mr. Universe" lined up at the Royal Hotel in London, 1961
Dennis Hubert (Hubert Dennis), Jamaican participant "Mr. Universe", 1963
Mr. Terry Parkinson United Kingdom United Kingdom and Miss Norma Walker hold their trophies after the contest organized by the League of health and strength, 1964
Competitors "Mr. Universe" in London, 1971
Serge Nubre (Serge Nubret), participant "Mr. Universe" demonstrates muscles during the qualifying stage of the competition. 1976
Later, he began to look so
Shigeru Sugita (Shigeru Sugita), Japanese participants of the National Association of the Amateur "Mr. Universe", 1976
He later
Horsch all known Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1980
Phil Heath (Phil Heath) «Mr. Olympia", 2012
By the way, before he looked like when he played basketball
Source: 4tololo.ru

For the overall development: Eugen Sandow (born Friedrich Wilhelm Müller) - an outstanding athlete of the XIX century, is considered the founder of modern bodybuilding. It was his way represents the statuette, which honors winner in the biggest competition of bodybuilding "Mr. Olympia».
Mr. Eggleton, a follower of the school Sandow, 1905

German athlete engaged in the Berlin stadium, 1935

World heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis, biceps admires Charlie Atlas (Charles Atlas), which schitalsmya at that time the most inflated person in the world 1938

Heavy lifting, 1940

Lyuber Hans (Hans Luber) trains in the gym, 1940

James Lawrie (James Lawrie), a contender for the title of Mr. Universe, 1951

Bodybuilder Robert Leo (Leo Robert), Mr. Universe title holder, napryagaetmyshtsy looking at his reflection in the mirror a large gymnasium, 1955

Jack Delinger, the former "Mr. America & quot; straining the muscles in front of Mrs. Sheila Saunders Clapham, 1956

Applicants for the title of "Mr. Universe" lined up at the Royal Hotel in London, 1961

Dennis Hubert (Hubert Dennis), Jamaican participant "Mr. Universe", 1963

Mr. Terry Parkinson United Kingdom United Kingdom and Miss Norma Walker hold their trophies after the contest organized by the League of health and strength, 1964

Competitors "Mr. Universe" in London, 1971

Serge Nubre (Serge Nubret), participant "Mr. Universe" demonstrates muscles during the qualifying stage of the competition. 1976

Later, he began to look so

Shigeru Sugita (Shigeru Sugita), Japanese participants of the National Association of the Amateur "Mr. Universe", 1976

He later

Horsch all known Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1980

Phil Heath (Phil Heath) «Mr. Olympia", 2012

By the way, before he looked like when he played basketball

Source: 4tololo.ru