Thank you, Mr. McCain

dear Mr. McCain.
as a Ukrainian, a Russian as a resident of Kiev, as a resident of the border RANS Kiev, I want to express my sincere gratitude to you, find an opportunity so urgently rushed to our beautiful country.
residents of our RANS delighted by your act.
because after your arrival herd buses nekievskimi number that made our long-suffering RANS abruptly began to roll and run the command "fuck with Kiev».
RANS our residents will remember the bus maneuver appreciated for many years.
dear Mr. McCain!
I went an hour ago in two small shop located near my home.
This capitalist stores, owned by the same people that run them.
We call it lar'yok.
well, a little big lar'yok.
buses nekievskimi rooms still standing along the road, and did not allow tenants RANS park their cars in the usual places. this created a big problem, because the car parks we are categorically not enough, Mr. McCain.
to buses already pulled together those unfortunate people who had been brought here to express support for something to fall. After all, to stand firmly not support, you know, Mr. McCain for standing firmly usually stay.
and here, Mr. McCain, I go to the far I lar'yok, where they sell cigarettes (neighbor no license), previously released from a crowd of bad-smelling drunk people.
Salesmen lar'ok fumbling at the box office, and without looking at me said - in * ki no, no toilet.
I politely say hello to her, she looks up, recognizes me regular, rejoices and begins to complain -
they pay 200 hryvnias denominations, and putting her quite there, everyone is looking for vodka and toilet, as well as the toilets at our RANS not, "stink vzhe zastsyali meni all navkrugi».
As I write this, Mr. McCain, almost all the buses execute the command "* ui at a Kiev", with the majority - did not download completely.
therefore, many unfortunate people, who pulled in the winter a strange city a penny in his pocket, will stay here without sleep, food and the way home.
You are not to blame, Mr. McCain.
McCain's sharp unscheduled visit (it is!), it is surprisingly swift action and the sudden appearance on the Maidan, a sharp folding antimaydana, all this can only mean one thing.
really ready then, what was zhzhzhzh these days.
really ready to bloodshed.
Whatever the US interests in us - this is minor matters.
but McCain - a politician of such magnitude that killed all our Parliament with a crowd of greedy idiots gov * oedov, all this government, all of them - are not suitable, even parasites pubic lice McCain, I wish him that he never had. Razik well, or, given the age (men understand) :)
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