Sidney McCain III
Former US presidential candidate disgusting studied aircraft crashed and managed to bring bad luck to those who supported.
8 photos
Sloven from a good family
Starting place in life John Sidney McCain III was just perfect. He was born August 29, 1936 at an air base in Panama, the US Air Force. His father and grandfather has served in the naval forces of the United States to the rank of admiral, and therefore it is not surprising that John and after school went to the military path.
McCain, with the help of influential relatives, he entered the prestigious United States Naval Academy, mastering the profession pilot carrier-based aircraft.
John did not want to learn, showing all the habits inherent in the "golden youth". However, there was the parent of wine - while my father struggled to admiral rank, family permanently relocate, so that young Johnny replaced already 20 schools.
The academy cadet McCain has proved the most disgusting way - during his studies, he had more than one hundred official penalties for violation of the Charter, the violation of dress code, failure to comply with military discipline and rudeness to the command.
Any other student would then flew out from the walls of the institution, but the authority of his father and grandfather were covered sins razgildyaya.
However, absolutely hopeless McCain was not: well proven as a lightweight boxer, good knowledge of English literature and history.
As a result of the 899 graduates of the academy in 1958, McCain had 894-th result.
Nightmare Pensacola
The young pilot was sent to be trained at the famous American air base in Pensacola, Florida, where McCain was revealed in all its glory. Command paled, learning about how drunk McCain travels at breakneck speed in his car, scattering respectable inhabitants, in company with local star striptease. The young pilot spent more time behind the counter numerous bars than in the cockpit.
McCain himself in his biography later honestly write that at this time "in vain ruined youth and health».
When McCain was transferred from Pensacola to the base of "Corpus Christi" in Texas, his former commanders made no secret of happiness. And in Texas very soon realized the cause of emotions colleagues - one of the workouts McCain crashed plane, escaped with minor injuries.
Loss of official machinery blamed on engine failure, although it is no secret was that the pilot spat on instruction and fly like anyhow. World of aviation has known many talented aviahuliganov like Valery Chkalov, but the problem is that McCain did not have such talent.
However, in 1960, John McCain became a pilot of attack aircraft carrier deck "Intrepid". A little later, he was transferred to the aircraft carrier "Enterprise", which in 1962 took part in the blockade of Cuba during the "Caribbean crisis».
Wise commanders were not allowed to roam McCain in that period, or World War III could well become a reality.
The pilot, Jonah
When international tensions eased slightly, McCain sent to serve where quiet - in Spain. But the command did not consider that with this pilot can not keep an eye on, otherwise he will find the tension even where calm. McCain has really found her, snesya in-flight power line. By some miracle, the plane did not crash, and that the thought of McCain Spaniards left without light, no one knew, because they were very polite Spaniards.
Incidents investigation showed that the culprit was the pilot of the incident. McCain quickly went to the US, where he was appointed an instructor at the Naval Base in Meridian Mississippi.
In the quiet of American McCain started a family by marrying a divorced top model with two children. Soon the couple had a daughter.
John would live in silence, but to wait for promotion, but he somehow kept thinking that he was waiting for the great military feats. In fact, from the "feats" McCain command simply shaking: six months after the wedding, he managed to break the next plane. As before, expensive equipment was turned into a heap of rubbish, but the pilot survived.
So when McCain Requests for military service, he was released with joy. In 1966, McCain became a pilot on an aircraft carrier attack aircraft "Forrestal." Here, with the pilot literally blown dust particles, because his father at that time commanded the naval forces of USA in Europe.
However, in 1967, "Forrestal" was sent to the coast of Vietnam, where the US bombing was meant to force the government to abandon the North Vietnamese communist rebels aid in the South.
Vietnamese "trophy»
July 29, 1967 on the aircraft carrier "Forrestal" there was a big fire caused by an automatic restart of the aircraft missile. She landed in the fuel tank attack aircraft McCain, after which there was an explosion on the deck and started a huge fire. By attack aircraft, clear, were horns and legs, but McCain next to him was not.
The fire on the aircraft carrier, killing more than 130 people, our hero, according to tradition, received light injuries. "Forrestal" was sent in for repair, and the recovered McCain on the aircraft carrier "Oriskany" to bomb Hanoi.
Surprisingly, John McCain managed to make as many as 22 missions in the bombing, until finally he met her - Soviet anti-aircraft missiles S-75. The meeting was short but brilliant: attack aircraft turned into scrap metal, and the pilot with broken legs collapsed into the lake water in the middle of Hanoi.
McCain as a trophy out of the water Vietnamese, then it is up to March 1973 was in captivity.
After serving in the Vietnamese camps for five and a half years, McCain returned to his homeland as a hero, and was received personally by President Richard Nixon. By coincidence, shortly after this meeting, Nixon was waiting for "Watergate" and resignation in disgrace.
Expert on Indians
McCain continued to dream about the admiral's uniform, but with his track record count on it was difficult even with a good pedigree.
Besides, while he was a prisoner, his wife got into an accident, after which her model looks severely broken. McCain returned from Vietnam, realized that their marriage was a mistake, and a few years later the couple divorced.
Realizing that the military career came to a standstill, John McCain decided to go into politics. Republicans just needed a die-hard anti-communist with a good biography, and McCain, the last "Vietnamese Gulag", came at an opportune moment.
But in American politics can not count on a successful career without having serious financial resources. John McCain has provided a resource marriage to Cindy Lou Hensley, daughter of an influential businessman, the owner of the brewery.
In 1982, 46-year-old John McCain was elected congressman from Arizona. Four years later, he moved to the US Senate.
However, party colleagues quickly felt that charging McCain the most important issues is fraught with serious consequences. So much of his Senate career, McCain has worked in the Committee on Indian Affairs. That the Indians thought about it, no one knew, because they were very polite Indians.
McCain and blacks
In 2000, John McCain has decided to run for president. As a result, the republican "primaries", to the dismay of voters, a struggle between McCain and George W. Bush. For the first time the Americans were able to understand what it means genuine choice lesser of two evils.
I must say that the "aura of a loser" McCain pursues even when he does good deeds. The politician and his second wife adopted a girl from Bangladesh, but this fact is not widely advertised. As a result, during the "primaries" in the ultra-conservative South Carolina team Bush launched the rumor that McCain's illegitimate daughter of African American women.
Some believe that it is this history had a decisive influence on the fact that in 2000 became the Republican candidate George W. Bush, not McCain.
In 2008, John McCain still became the presidential candidate of the Republican Party, but even his supporters openly admitted that the chances in the fight against black Democrat Barack Obama had little. And so it happened.
We can say that the way of Republican John McCain in the White House twice rose blacks: virtual lover and real democracy.
Harbinger defeat
It seems that presidential ambitions have led to the fact that since the early 2000s, McCain turned his attention to foreign policy, especially in the post-Soviet space. Phantom of the Russian anti-aircraft missiles apparently gave him no peace, causing a fierce desire to fight with the "imperial ambitions" of Russia.
McCain makes demands to exclude Russia and China from the United Nations, and the creation of a "new democratic organization" in its place. In 2005, he demanded the expulsion of Russia from the "Big Eight". In 2004, he was so tired of Alexander Lukashenko that he simply forbade McCain enter the country. In response to Senator promised to fight the "last dictator in Europe." Judging by the results, Lukashenko clearly wins on points.
When McCain became actively support the armed opposition in Syria, Bashar al-Assad supporters have realized that they have a chance to win.
McCain regularly appears in ridiculous situations. In 2008, his campaign headquarters asked for money for the election campaign at the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN.
When in 2013 Vladimir Putin wrote an article in The New York Times, McCain decided to answer his performance in ... "the truth." Apparently, the senator still convinced that since his stay in captivity in Vietnam, Russia has not changed anything.
In December 2011, John McCain began to threaten Putin Russian version of the "Arab Spring." Is it any wonder that the protests after the parliamentary elections resulted in nothing - the "aura McCain" can work wonders.
8 photos

Sloven from a good family
Starting place in life John Sidney McCain III was just perfect. He was born August 29, 1936 at an air base in Panama, the US Air Force. His father and grandfather has served in the naval forces of the United States to the rank of admiral, and therefore it is not surprising that John and after school went to the military path.
McCain, with the help of influential relatives, he entered the prestigious United States Naval Academy, mastering the profession pilot carrier-based aircraft.
John did not want to learn, showing all the habits inherent in the "golden youth". However, there was the parent of wine - while my father struggled to admiral rank, family permanently relocate, so that young Johnny replaced already 20 schools.
The academy cadet McCain has proved the most disgusting way - during his studies, he had more than one hundred official penalties for violation of the Charter, the violation of dress code, failure to comply with military discipline and rudeness to the command.
Any other student would then flew out from the walls of the institution, but the authority of his father and grandfather were covered sins razgildyaya.
However, absolutely hopeless McCain was not: well proven as a lightweight boxer, good knowledge of English literature and history.
As a result of the 899 graduates of the academy in 1958, McCain had 894-th result.

Nightmare Pensacola
The young pilot was sent to be trained at the famous American air base in Pensacola, Florida, where McCain was revealed in all its glory. Command paled, learning about how drunk McCain travels at breakneck speed in his car, scattering respectable inhabitants, in company with local star striptease. The young pilot spent more time behind the counter numerous bars than in the cockpit.
McCain himself in his biography later honestly write that at this time "in vain ruined youth and health».
When McCain was transferred from Pensacola to the base of "Corpus Christi" in Texas, his former commanders made no secret of happiness. And in Texas very soon realized the cause of emotions colleagues - one of the workouts McCain crashed plane, escaped with minor injuries.
Loss of official machinery blamed on engine failure, although it is no secret was that the pilot spat on instruction and fly like anyhow. World of aviation has known many talented aviahuliganov like Valery Chkalov, but the problem is that McCain did not have such talent.
However, in 1960, John McCain became a pilot of attack aircraft carrier deck "Intrepid". A little later, he was transferred to the aircraft carrier "Enterprise", which in 1962 took part in the blockade of Cuba during the "Caribbean crisis».
Wise commanders were not allowed to roam McCain in that period, or World War III could well become a reality.

The pilot, Jonah
When international tensions eased slightly, McCain sent to serve where quiet - in Spain. But the command did not consider that with this pilot can not keep an eye on, otherwise he will find the tension even where calm. McCain has really found her, snesya in-flight power line. By some miracle, the plane did not crash, and that the thought of McCain Spaniards left without light, no one knew, because they were very polite Spaniards.
Incidents investigation showed that the culprit was the pilot of the incident. McCain quickly went to the US, where he was appointed an instructor at the Naval Base in Meridian Mississippi.
In the quiet of American McCain started a family by marrying a divorced top model with two children. Soon the couple had a daughter.
John would live in silence, but to wait for promotion, but he somehow kept thinking that he was waiting for the great military feats. In fact, from the "feats" McCain command simply shaking: six months after the wedding, he managed to break the next plane. As before, expensive equipment was turned into a heap of rubbish, but the pilot survived.
So when McCain Requests for military service, he was released with joy. In 1966, McCain became a pilot on an aircraft carrier attack aircraft "Forrestal." Here, with the pilot literally blown dust particles, because his father at that time commanded the naval forces of USA in Europe.
However, in 1967, "Forrestal" was sent to the coast of Vietnam, where the US bombing was meant to force the government to abandon the North Vietnamese communist rebels aid in the South.

Vietnamese "trophy»
July 29, 1967 on the aircraft carrier "Forrestal" there was a big fire caused by an automatic restart of the aircraft missile. She landed in the fuel tank attack aircraft McCain, after which there was an explosion on the deck and started a huge fire. By attack aircraft, clear, were horns and legs, but McCain next to him was not.
The fire on the aircraft carrier, killing more than 130 people, our hero, according to tradition, received light injuries. "Forrestal" was sent in for repair, and the recovered McCain on the aircraft carrier "Oriskany" to bomb Hanoi.
Surprisingly, John McCain managed to make as many as 22 missions in the bombing, until finally he met her - Soviet anti-aircraft missiles S-75. The meeting was short but brilliant: attack aircraft turned into scrap metal, and the pilot with broken legs collapsed into the lake water in the middle of Hanoi.
McCain as a trophy out of the water Vietnamese, then it is up to March 1973 was in captivity.
After serving in the Vietnamese camps for five and a half years, McCain returned to his homeland as a hero, and was received personally by President Richard Nixon. By coincidence, shortly after this meeting, Nixon was waiting for "Watergate" and resignation in disgrace.

Expert on Indians
McCain continued to dream about the admiral's uniform, but with his track record count on it was difficult even with a good pedigree.
Besides, while he was a prisoner, his wife got into an accident, after which her model looks severely broken. McCain returned from Vietnam, realized that their marriage was a mistake, and a few years later the couple divorced.
Realizing that the military career came to a standstill, John McCain decided to go into politics. Republicans just needed a die-hard anti-communist with a good biography, and McCain, the last "Vietnamese Gulag", came at an opportune moment.
But in American politics can not count on a successful career without having serious financial resources. John McCain has provided a resource marriage to Cindy Lou Hensley, daughter of an influential businessman, the owner of the brewery.
In 1982, 46-year-old John McCain was elected congressman from Arizona. Four years later, he moved to the US Senate.
However, party colleagues quickly felt that charging McCain the most important issues is fraught with serious consequences. So much of his Senate career, McCain has worked in the Committee on Indian Affairs. That the Indians thought about it, no one knew, because they were very polite Indians.

McCain and blacks
In 2000, John McCain has decided to run for president. As a result, the republican "primaries", to the dismay of voters, a struggle between McCain and George W. Bush. For the first time the Americans were able to understand what it means genuine choice lesser of two evils.
I must say that the "aura of a loser" McCain pursues even when he does good deeds. The politician and his second wife adopted a girl from Bangladesh, but this fact is not widely advertised. As a result, during the "primaries" in the ultra-conservative South Carolina team Bush launched the rumor that McCain's illegitimate daughter of African American women.
Some believe that it is this history had a decisive influence on the fact that in 2000 became the Republican candidate George W. Bush, not McCain.
In 2008, John McCain still became the presidential candidate of the Republican Party, but even his supporters openly admitted that the chances in the fight against black Democrat Barack Obama had little. And so it happened.
We can say that the way of Republican John McCain in the White House twice rose blacks: virtual lover and real democracy.

Harbinger defeat
It seems that presidential ambitions have led to the fact that since the early 2000s, McCain turned his attention to foreign policy, especially in the post-Soviet space. Phantom of the Russian anti-aircraft missiles apparently gave him no peace, causing a fierce desire to fight with the "imperial ambitions" of Russia.
McCain makes demands to exclude Russia and China from the United Nations, and the creation of a "new democratic organization" in its place. In 2005, he demanded the expulsion of Russia from the "Big Eight". In 2004, he was so tired of Alexander Lukashenko that he simply forbade McCain enter the country. In response to Senator promised to fight the "last dictator in Europe." Judging by the results, Lukashenko clearly wins on points.
When McCain became actively support the armed opposition in Syria, Bashar al-Assad supporters have realized that they have a chance to win.
McCain regularly appears in ridiculous situations. In 2008, his campaign headquarters asked for money for the election campaign at the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN.
When in 2013 Vladimir Putin wrote an article in The New York Times, McCain decided to answer his performance in ... "the truth." Apparently, the senator still convinced that since his stay in captivity in Vietnam, Russia has not changed anything.
In December 2011, John McCain began to threaten Putin Russian version of the "Arab Spring." Is it any wonder that the protests after the parliamentary elections resulted in nothing - the "aura McCain" can work wonders.