10 interior design tricks that will free precious space

interior design - a complicated thing, but fascinating. A special pleasure -. To bring in a little more air space, without resorting to the total repair
Website picked examples of little things that kill the beauty of the interior, and decided to show how this can be easily remedied.
curtains from the ceiling

If you hang the curtains do not over by the windows, and closer to the ceiling, a window will appear larger than it actually is.
Board for magnets

< br> The magnets stuck to the fridge, making the kitchen a visual confusion. For collectors there is a way: to organize the storage of commemorative knick-knacks on the wall using a magnetic board or magnetic paint
Shelves for shoes

. Experts advise us to make the effort and come up with some clever way to elegantly store all shoes, boots, sneakers, shoes, etc. The most simple -.. It is specially designed cabinets. As a result, there will be more space, and housing - much more beautiful
bright wallpaper with a vertical pattern

. It is known that the dark room wallpaper strongly reduce in size. But we should also remember that the horizontal pattern makes the space "heavy". To the room was light and spacious, it is better to give preference bright wallpaper and vertical figures.
Solid towels in the bathroom

Strangely, but multicolored towels can create a feeling of clutter in the room and, as a consequence, make it a bit "stuffy". Of course, do not need to throw out all at once, it is possible to gradually replace all the textiles in the bathroom on the one that best fits her color.
Glass furniture and furniture legs

Sofa or bed, coffee table, dresser, wardrobe - all furniture should "float" above the floor, and not "grow" into him. Also, space can liberate glass furniture.
Boxes and baskets

To everything was in place, you need to create these places. For example, to place registered boxes, each of which will be based on some specific items:.. Combs, stationery, cosmetics, notebooks, etc.
wide carpet

It is believed that the smaller the room, the less the carpet has to be, but this is very misleading. In fact, a small rug beside the bed visually eat more space than a large Mighty carpet.
Magnetic board for cosmetics

Every girl has certain items that she uses most often among the variety of cosmetics. To these little things do not hang about on the table or shelf to push in a hurry, can be attached to a wall magnetic board.
Spot light

< br> The room overall modest size chandelier is inappropriate because it "eats" a lot of space. Use around the perimeter of the spot light - it is visually expand the size of the living space
. Illustrator: Daniel Shubin
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