Northern capital, cultural capital, North Venice ... Peter, we love you!

We love St. Petersburg. Ha, who does not like! - Exclaim our reader, and will be right: Peter loved by all! Incredibly beautiful, atmospheric, charming and legendary city gladly opens the arms of many fans arriving every summer. We will publish a selection of types of St. Petersburg, composed blog Bigpicture.ru. The author of these photos - Alexander Petrosyan, is the "St. Petersburg" photographer of our time, the master of the genre picture, the winner of numerous awards. His work has been published several times in Russia and abroad.
< Website wishes you a pleasant virtual journey through the streets of the most beautiful cities in Europe!

via bigpicture.ru/snowfall/petersburg/
The parable of King Solomon, whose word is transformed heart
Julia Gippenreiter: allow children to reach only by