As well-known politicians looked in his youth: 20 photos
Sometimes it seems that all these stern men and women holding high and responsible positions, were born immediately ready to work, serious and jackets. But it is certainly not the case. We all were, and childhood and adolescence, we all were smiling, dreaming, dancing ... and world leaders - not the exception! Site offers a curious look into the very distant past and see archival footage.
Vladimir Putin, President Rossii
Barack Obama, President SSHA
< br>
Angela Merkel, Chancellor Germanii
David Cameron, Prime Minister Velikobritanii
Bashar al-Assad, the president Sirii
< br> Francois Hollande, President Frantsii
Nursultan Nazarbayev, President Kazahstana
Alexander Lukashenko, President Belorussii
Kim Jong-un (next to his father), head of North Korei
Alexis Tsipras, the Prime Minister Gretsii
Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister -Minister Izrailya
Dmitry Medvedev, the former president RossiiOdna of the most famous photos, which allegedly depicted the young Medvedev. Later it turned out that this is fake.
actually looked Dmitry Anatolyevich's tak
Malcolm Turnbull, the Prime Minister Avstralii
< br> George W. Bush, former President SSHA
Peter Poroshenko, President Ukrainy
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister Kanady
Boris Yeltsin, former president Rossii
Dilma Rousseff, President Brazilii
Raul Castro, Chairman Kuby
Bill Clinton, former President SSHA
See also - Personnel Ages: 12 pictures with a unique history
< br> via fishki.net/1819145-kak-vygljadeli-v-molodosti-ljudi-kotorye-vershat-mirovuju-politiku.html
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