In Zhitomirі zavershuyut budіvnitstvo Airport: through kіlka months at vіdkriyut Pershi flight on Ukraїnі
Vzhe for dekіlka months at the airport s Zhytomyrska ruin Purshia pasazhirsky lіtak. In the old letovischі for restavratsіyu yakogo took kompaniia Yanair, vzhe zakіnchili іnzhenernі Robot i rozpochalasya pіdgotovka primіschen to Perche pasazhirіv of acceptance. Purshia patron Zhytomyrska mіskogo head rozpovіdaє: koristuvatimutsya novim the airport not tіlki Zhytomyr and second meshkantsі susіdnіh areas i navіt stolyci, ale maximum koristі od tsogo project іnvestitsіynogo otrimaє sama Zhitomir
The updated Zhytomyr airport landed Airbus A320
20 photos, showing that a masterpiece can come without photoshop