History On helpfully Steward, 50 Jews and Tipping

Flight to America. In Tel Aviv airport is landing on the American Airlines flight. Steward sees the 50 seats in the first class of rich Jews occupied, and thinks:
- If they are well-served by ten give a tip, and I will be $ 500. And if you really try, then $ 25 will not regret.
The entire flight he hopped around them, water-cognac-tablet-handed blankets, raised himself from the forces. They sat down in New York, he had already prepared his pockets. Get out Jews. The first says:
- I've flown a lot in life, but no one ever served me as much as you. Thank you. He shook his hand and left.
Second: ... Thank you. He shook his hand and left. ... And so 49 people. Steward in a stupor.
Last, a little old man, all the same thing said, and added: We're with friends decided to thank you ... And the steward holds a check for $ 10 000. It should be a steward on the ladder, waving a check after the Jews and whispers:
- The Jews, the Jews ... maybe you did not kill Christ ... But how you tortured him
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