As the candidate of sciences, I became a teacher of Kung Fu

Sometimes I think that people who write inspirational quotes on the cardinal change his life, his life had not changed. I, as the person who did it a few times to give poostereglas such recommendations.
I have until everything goes well, but if I would advise others to give up everything? Hardly. Because I know how hard it is, and the fact that you have the courage to change everything, does not mean that after that you'll be alright. Although you never know where you're lucky.
At 33, I left for permanent residence in Germany. I left the house, the car sold, resigned from the university and suddenly turned into an unemployed immigrant, and even Eastern Europe. Not the most enviable fate for a man who used to travel abroad in the worst case, as a tourist, but usually - as a respected scholar, speaker at academic conferences or fulfills another grant. And although the homeland of Schiller and Goethe's material, my life was more or less arranged, the inner world has become a small branch of hell. We had to change something.

In September 2013, in 34 years old, I said in China, in the mountains of Wudang, in Kung Fu school, to pass a 9-month course and get certified trainer Taijiquan - martial art, which is now the majority of people take as a recreational gymnastics, not knowing what else lies behind this practice.
At the time of my shoulders I had little experience lessons (about one and a half years), ten viewed kung fu fighters and 20 kilograms of excess weight.
< C Since then my life has changed dramatically

Living in a confined space - closed not because they can not go outside the school, but simply because 6 days a week from 7 am to 8 pm you exercise, and of course you can miss one or two, but then why did you here - dealing with a very limited number of people feel like with you, like a bow, went layers, and suddenly you realize: I can no longer self-pity. < Thoughts like, "I'm so poor, unhappy, lonely," "Nobody loves me", "I'm fat" - simply disappear from your head
Suddenly you begin to understand. that if you are someone does not like you, it does not mean you're a bad person. Moreover, it does not mean that they are bad people - sometimes just two good people unsympathetic to each other. And there is no universal tragedy. On the contrary, you start to appreciate themselves and to communicate only with the people in the company that you just fun and comfortable, both with a.

My principal at the time the teacher pushed me to an important reassessment of the whole process of thinking. It was difficult to communicate in English, therefore, when he did not understand what I said, he would ask me: "is it important?" So he gave me to understand that, if I said chto-to importantly, it will make efforts and try to understand it, and if not, then there is no need to try . < In the same way, I began to evaluate all the thoughts that come into my head, and all the reasons for excitement. "Is it important?" - I asked myself
. A year later, a miracle happened. Me to spend almost all his savings, but desperately wanted to study further (I was beginning to realize that for the year of kung fu - it is nothing), I left the school as an assistant coach. If 5 years ago someone told me that I would be happy to work for food and shelter - have been mocked, and here is how it all happened ...

Should I throw it? Change your life?
I do not know the answer to this question. Everyone decides for himself. I was lucky: I live in the real Narnia. I have a sword, pole, machetes, bow with a pulling force of 16 kilograms and a crowd of young long-haired kung fu, little brothers. I no longer want to make movies, because my life is like a movie. And I understand that, if it were not that unbearable, in Germany, there would be my magic China.
But, taking a step into the unknown, you should always be prepared for the fact that things do not go the way you expect. Everything will be very different, but that everything is just fun. < To learn to not be afraid of the unknown - the biggest feat that man can commit
I'm still afraid of her.. But I have learned to act in spite of fear.
Author: Mary Pipenko
Preview: Mary Pipenko
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